

  • Thanks for sharing :)
  • It's definitely better! Just check the soda water you are drinking to make sure that it's only carbonated water and no extra stuff. I love the lime flavored sparkling water from Trader Joe's!
  • I think a mix of carb and protein is good for energy. I like a rice cake with peanut butter. After a workout, especially weights, I try to get some protein. I'll eat some beef jerky or raw almonds or just a spoonful of peanut butter. I really like peanut butter :)
  • I made applesauce with lots of cinnamon and add that. Also, just a little bit of lemon curd goes a long way! Plus I add trader joe's honey roasted sliced almonds.... so good!
  • Thanks everyone! Very helpful :)
  • This is a great question! I don't really have much to offer, but salads with the dressing on the side is always a good option. A vinaigrette is probably the best. 3 oz of chicken is only 60 calories and great protein. I go to golden spoon a lot which is my favorite treat and a mini is only 100 calories and it's plenty…
  • I'm a huge believer in getting your nutrients in a natural way and not taking vitamins. I say go for the yolk! Everything in moderation! Interesting thread.
  • You should ask a doctor or research on the internet a bit. Just because something exists in nature doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for you to eat in large quantities, especially in with our lifestyle that is much more sedentary than it once was. I'm sure it's not a problem if you don't do it every day.
  • Yeah, I was just gonna add that 3500 calories = 1 pound, but I was beat to that. Anyway, you are good. I splurged one day but didn't let myself get discouraged. Tomorrow is a new day, don't let one day throw you off! :) I think that once in a while it's okay as long as it doesn't become a habit.