annabobbleuk Member


  • Yeah I've often wondered that, thinking 'oooh actually I could have a rich tea biscuit instead' but apples are easier to burn off!
  • I always assumed it was good for the digestive system if you drink water whilst eating? Although I just found this article...
  • I would have a chat to her and explain the consequences, and if she still doesn't listen I'd let her learn from her own mistakes. Trouble is with 'youngsters' today (god I'm sounding old now) they think they know it all when clearly they don't, parents are there to guide their kids but when they get to a certain age…
  • Age: 36 Heigh: 5ft3 SW - 225 CW - 200 GW - 168 :)
  • Welcome to mfp :) Are you doing a particular diet or are you just healthy eating?
  • Dark chocolate Nairns oatcakes are brilliant! They taste yummy and they're quite filling, although I with they didn't come in packs of 5....I've had to stop myself on several occasions :(
  • Hi there, I'm wanting to loose about the same amount and I'm getting there but I'm trying to do it this year (seems a long time) but I've been off and on diets my whole life and wasted lots of money doing it. But this time hopefully for good on a budget! I can't help with the self control, but I can help with the support…
  • Good luck on your journey, nice to see you on here.....add me as a friend if you need moral support :)
  • the hell can you do that in a year?? Well hopefully she'll loose lots of weight, but that (depending on her height) sounds at least 6 stone! Good luck to her! I know what I'm capable of now, and i'll be happy if I get 3 stone off this year :)
  • Well I only had a cup-a-soup, snack-a-jacks and 2 oranges today for lunch today so hopefully that'll help a bit :)
  • I might give that a go, I've noticed since I've been doing this I'm needing less and less to eat and in my job I sit at a desk all day and can't really eat at my desk so lunch time is the only time I eat (unless I sneak in a banana in the kitchen :wink: )
  • It's kinda nice to hear from others that have sturggled in the past now overcoming it and loosing the weight, I really want this year to be the last year I'm morbidly obese. I'm not expecting to be slim or anything like that, but I'll be happy to be a size 14-16 as I'm bordering between 18-20 and being short makes it…
  • Those fibre one bars look yummy, but I'm in the UK :( I'm going to look into making up a recipe of something chocolately that's low cal so keep your fingers crossed lol! Its such a pain having the problem with the thyroid, but I'm trying to work through it. I've struggled for years, but the problem with me is, I'd loose…
  • Hi there! I'm on a bit of a mission, trying to loose at least 50 pounds and my daily allowance is between 1000 and 1200 calories! So how do you get on with it, do you use the app on your phone? I couldn't live without is now!!