

  • I feel your pain. I have been with my boyfriend since 1996. No we aren't married even though he has asked me three times. I also have a wedding dress in my closet. I would say since you want to get married and he hasn't asked, ask him and then set a date if he says yes. If he says no, then you have other decisions to make.…
  • Hi Cara, Congratulations!! You really want to ask your physician his thoughts on the best way or even if you should attempt to lose weight at this time. Your dr. may not want you to start a strenous execise program at this time. Personally, I don't think anything would be wrong with a treadmill as long as you don't overdo.…
  • Hi Kiisha, Congrats on your weight loss and turning18!! Keep up the good work. You have a lot of things to look forward to. It is great that you are getting in control of your weight now before you get older and that metabolism slows down. It can sometimes be a struggle but keep at it. By summer of 2012, you will be in…
  • My mom was/is like that also. Not just about weight either. I had to just learn to smile and says " thanks mom, I'll keep that in mind" and then proceed to do whatever it is I wanted to do in the first place. Of course, it took me over 30 years to learn how to do this without it bothering me. She finally figured out that…
  • It gets easier!!! I have worked 10pm -7am for about 5 years now. The hardest thing for me to figure out was when to go sleep. A lot of people go right to bed within an hour and a half of getting off of work. That really never made sense to me because if you work 9am -5pm you aren't in bed at 7:30? I established a routine…
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