

  • I will whip up a list by this Sunday on exercise of the day for the rest of the month.
  • P.S. The picture is my girlfriend on the left and myself on the right at a Renaissance fair we went to recently.
  • Thank you both for your input. However, I should point out, although perhaps a bit misleading, I am in fact a male. Sadly not much stairs as it's a very small company I work for, however, looking at where I have come from has given me some motivation as you all mentioned to fuel me to where I want to end up. Thank you for…
  • I felt guilty going over the first time but one of my new friends lost 200+ lb in the last few years and she said if you are going to count your cal.s make sure at least once a week you go over you limit. Nothing major but enjoy yourself. What this does is keeps your body guessing. When you eat around the same calories a…
  • I eat around 1,200-1,300 cals pretty consistently without much of a problem. To be honest subway has become my best friend. If I eat there once a day a 12' is around 550. Sometimes I eat there twice a day. Leaving me 150 to play with. I also eat 4-5 meals most days splitting up the subs to leave me full more often. I have…
  • I sneak water aerobics into my pool activities. My GF has a pool at her house so I usually do laps or attempt to run/ work out my hamstrings for an hour while she just floats there and relaxes. It's a good time!
  • Gratz to you! As a male when clothes no longer fit I toss them out and move on, or by stretchy waste bands. However, now that I am down 15 lb. from where I was about 5 weeks ago stretchy waste bands aren't cutting it and my clothes all need belts. In a round about way, gratz on the weight loss and on saving money so you…
  • I have to agree with Stephanie. I am a computer nerd, well, an all around nerd which stereotypically lends itself to being unhealthy. I found that using this site and finding friends on here not only has made me more aware of the food I used to eat and do eat but also has helped a lot knowing that other people are trying…