Newbie Little (teeny tiny) victories! :)

krinio Posts: 138 Member
Hey! I'm a little bit excited today because I've just had the most lovely newbie breakthrough! I've only started 3 weeks and lost 4lbs in that time. But today I put on my favourite jeans that had got too tight and the fitted perfectly! No need to suck that gut in and squeeze in, it was as if they were tailor-made! I just thought I'd share, especially with my fellow newbies, because I think we all have to learn to appreciate even the smallest of victories because It really keeps you motivated. Let's keep it up! :happy:


    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    That is a so awesome. I have lost a toatal of 28 ilbs since feb. My WOW moment came in doing laundry and hoping my cloth
  • Railvas
    Railvas Posts: 19
    Gratz to you! As a male when clothes no longer fit I toss them out and move on, or by stretchy waste bands. However, now that I am down 15 lb. from where I was about 5 weeks ago stretchy waste bands aren't cutting it and my clothes all need belts. In a round about way, gratz on the weight loss and on saving money so you can enjoy your old fav. clothes... sadly I have to spend more money to buy new smaller clothes.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I can't wait until the point where I NEED to buy new clothes! As I said, I just loved this because it was much sooner than I expected, and much less weight loss required than expected to fit back into my favourite jeans! Long may it continue! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Isn't that one of the best feelings? It's probably the best for you... but the best is going to be when they're too big. I promise. :happy: Congrats, babe!!! Keep up the good work.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Isn't that one of the best feelings? It's probably the best for you... but the best is going to be when they're too big. I promise. :happy: Congrats, babe!!! Keep up the good work.

    :smile: thanks! I can't wait until that stage. It's gonna be amazing! And then I can reward myself with new clothes! It's all so exciting!
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