

  • When are you weighing yourself? DO NOT weigh yourself everyday... your weight fluctuates from day to day with water-weight so weighing yourself multiple times during the week will only discourage you. Try setting 1 weigh-in day a week or every 2-weeks and weigh in first thing in the morning. Don't eat anything before…
  • WOW! Congrats on the progress so far!!! A half-marathon? That's amazing! I've always wanted to set that goal for myself as well, but it's so hard... so I give you serious credit for being able to do that! Don't let the negative feedback get to you, there's obviously some underlying insecurity in her that's causing her to…
  • Go to an allergist! It could be anything... I got diagnosed with Cold Urticaria (allergy to cold temperatures, of wind, water, etc.) last summer after 3 months of random hive outbreaks... and I finally decided to just go to a doctor and they figured it out in one sitting. Try Zrytec or Allegra
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