thanks! i tried it with some frozen mango. It was ok i guess. But, to be honest, ill drink anything to recover faster.
Once you get rid of the fat waist size just depends on your body type. Im 5'5 and last time i measured at 160 pounds, my waist was at 32' .
spices and coffe
good to see some brooklyn in here!
gotcha guys!
these are great ideas! im so excited for my bathing suit. Coming up in just 13 more pounds!
they're for two different purposes!
Added you guys :)
The third cosplay idea is my favorite!
Show Me! :)
I just thought about the tan lines >.< But, you know what? I don't expose my belly in anything i wear. (not intentionally at least :P) So, the only people that are gone see them are me n my boyfriend.
Did you make sure you ate some protein before hand? Your body needs something to draw its energy from.
<3 pinup dresses and bathing suits!
I was thinking about getting a tattoo, but decided that will be a reward for something else. When i graduate, im going on a month-long hitchhiking trip. When I get back home, im getting a swallow on my shoulder. The Cosplay outfit is BEAUTIFUL! And, i love pinup!
Don't stop grazing. Prepare your snacks ahead of time so you control your calories and graze on them throughout the day. Thats what i do :)
welcome to the group :)
Added you guys! ;)
Consider all you guys added :) Ive just finessed finals so its time to get back on track!
As for everyone else, added you guys! Shoot me an email if any of you ned support. We can do this!
Burt? Really? Ewww -_-
anyone else needing support?
Done and Done!
Added you guys! im so happy to see more younger people on here. It better we lose it now then spend our prime sitting around on our fat butts.
Added you guys!
Yes! im doing it right now. Its a lot of fun :)
Added :)
Added you guys!
This thread made my day :P