NanaDebby Member


  • I hope it's not too late to join this challenge. Sounds like I have a lot of miles to make up!! We have had rain at some point every day for the past week and a half where I live, so biking has obviously been challenging. And I have a foot injury that is keeping me off of the treadmill. I am desperate for some exercise!
  • Also......feel free to add me.....
  • Hello and welcome back. When I read your post......I could have written it myself! I am 52 years old, mother of 2, mother-in-law of 1, wife of 32 years....and proud Nana to two beautiful grandaughters! And I am also back after a very long hiatus. This website has also helped me in the past and I hope it will again. Good…
  • This is a hard one. Especially in the summer when all we seem to do is socialize...which usually involves drinking. I totally agree with everyone who said that it has to be your choice. What works for me might not work for you. And it might be hit and miss until you find out exactly what does work for you.…
  • Welcome! I will be 52 next month and like so many of us, really thought I would have this "weight thing" licked by this age! But I'm still at it. I agree with others who say that the food and exercise log is very important. Even if you eat a piece of chocolate cake, you can still log it and fit it in to your day if that is…
  • Hi all, Just re-joined after a much too long hiatus.....I noticed this challenge and wondered if it was too late to get in on it??
  • Count me in! I need to lose 50 pounds (I"ve lost 9 so far) by the time I turn 50 next year....50 by 50...that's me! Today is a good day so far and motivation is up and high...but I know that can change in a has happened many, many times before!! I am also interested to hear from those who have already…
  • Hello and welcome! I am also new to this whole idea of keeping track and keeping myself accountable. So far I am really getting a lot out of this site....most importantly, a lot of inspiration and positive encouragement. Even if it's not intended directly for me, I still find reading everyone's posts so helpful and…
    in Hello Comment by NanaDebby October 2007
  • Thanks for the welcome. You are so's the lack of routine that gets me in trouble. But isn't that what weekends are supposed to be about??
  • Has anyone tried Hoodia? From what I read it is supposed to be safe and effective??
  • Hi everyone. I am really enjoying this site so far. I only joined a week ago and I love the way the site keeps me accountable with my calorie counting. I also enjoy reading the message boards. I am trying to lose 40 pounds and my goal is to maintain that weight after I turn 50. (only two more years) No more yo-yoing up and…