Looking for over 50 (Age) firends..we are a special breed!



  • BostonGrammy
    Count me in!!
  • lemonyzest
    I'm 60. Support from every age welcome but it really does get harder as we age. Much more difficult since my hormones desserted me. My fat is less motivated to leave the premises.

    But I am ready and determined to try. I would truly like to be much more active and able to make my senior years active and productive and meaningful with a strong, fit body.

    I'm in!
  • JoanNLV
    JoanNLV Posts: 83
    I'm 53 and have a lot to lose. I really need someone encouraging me along the way because it isn't just about my current weight, is is about me now having Diabetes Type II and NEEDING to lose weight. I have been here for about 10 days, but today is the first day that I read any of the posts. You can add me in, and then I can figure out the rest later.:bigsmile:
  • lemonyzest
    Well exercise is sure a challenge! I guess energy will build with time, but right now I'm dog tired and I hardly did anything. Just goes to show I really need to get with the program. I have to watch my knees like a hawk - if I stay on the treadmill too long they get a little swelly and sore the next day.

    It's hard to start slow when you just want to get it done, isn't it? But injuries will set me way back. Anyone else have these exercise issues too?

    Happy day and may you have a great week!
  • NanaDebby
    NanaDebby Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in!
  • jnette86
    Oooh, I need all the help I can get!! I'm in, add me!!