

  • I think I will see this week out as I am so I have a true weigh in and if its still not working I will increase my cal intake when I am exercising. I get married in 2.5 weeks and wanted to see some improvement for then. I have taken all my measurements to so even if one or the other happens I will be happy thanks for all…
  • So far this week I have eaten 170, 155 and 113 a day but these have been in the form of in foods as apposed to bread, pasta etc as I have had none by the baguette. if that makes sense. I also have not eaten back any of my exercise cals, do you think I should not get on scales now till weigh day on sunday - I just thought…
  • Thank you for your reply. Would you suggest I dont eat any of my exercise calories as I havent been so far, this week I have eaten all of my 1200 then not touched the exercise cals apart from yesterday as the baguette took me into my exercise cals. and this morning I am still bloated so I know its def the carbs. I have…
  • Wow you look great in your pics, It isnt technically my last 9lbs as I still have another 1.5 stone to get to target but I had set a wedding goal which I hoped would be acheiveable so the last 9lb is merely the wedding last lbs. To be honest I would be more then happy if i lost some inches then the weight, anything is…
  • Hi all sorry I meant to write 250-275, would you suggest increasing this by another 100 cals a day? luckily I love my veg and I minimal carbs a week as I have to eat dinner at 8pm when I finish work so most days I have no carbs at all. Mainly weekends if I do
  • Thanks Kelley I dont think i will get to 9lb esp due to xmas but would be happy at 6lb, plus i am doing the 30 day shred mixed with davina so will be just as happy to lose inches. 21 days left to go so lets hope some inches come off at least x
  • Thank you for replying so I am to eat all exercise calories and my 1200 daily calories? I know the ideal is 1lb and most weeks I have been losing between 1-2lbs with the odd 3lb a week, with the plateau for 2 weeks its left 3 weeks not 5 to lose the last 9lb thanks again
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