Plateau - please help!

Hi All,

I wondered if any of you can help. The past two weeks I have been on a plateau I was eating what looking back I think too little calories as I was only having around 600 a day and was exercising a small amount 175-200 cals a day.

I started MFP again on sunday and have stuck to the 1200 a day recommendation and have been earning around 400-450 cals in exercise, I have been drinking my 2lt of water a day but I had a sneak peek on the scales last night admittedly after exercise and food and was 1lb heavier. I weighed this morning naughty I know but was again the same weight.

I know I fluctuate everyday but am I doing something wrong as I thought now that I have upped my cals and exercising more that I would have shed something.

I am having cereal for breakfast, 2 satsumas mid morning, ww soup and 2 ryvitas with extra light phili and the past two days have had a chicken tikka baguette but these were in my daily cals.
Exercise I have been doing 15mins on my exercise bike, the 30 day shred level 2 and either davinas aerobics, top fit or kick fit everyday. I try and mix them up so I work different muscles everyday.

What can I do to shed this weight? I am 12s 9/10 depending on the day so not like I dont have much to lose.

thanks in advance


  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    First off as a female you don't wanna eat less than 1200 cals a day, why?
    if you do you will make your body go into starvation mode
    plateau's come along due to doing the same food and workouts each day
    you gotta mix it up!

    I did a write up on plateau's here -->

    Also what i learned....

    Always burn more than you consume for great weight loss
    Your body will always have a certain amount a day you will burn just sitting on your butt
    For example my body alone is roughly 1600 a day just sitting around doing nothing
    I consume around 1200-1400 a day

    Low carb is key, heavier carbs in the morning

    Whole grains keep you fuller longer & fresh fruit and veggies and lean meats
    Personally I do red meat and taters 2x a week

    Remember the heavier you are the more calories you will burn and the smaller you get the harder it gets but we can't let that get us down :)

    Like example I gained 195lbs when I quit smoking, I was 135 when I graduated almost 12yrs ago, quit smoking gained weight but didn't get on track til March 2009 when my docs got on my case saying they didn't want me to have a kid til I was at a good weight, October 2010 I lost 156lbs then came stress of buying selling houses, now after my slack phase im back on track in the last month I lost almost 6 lbs :)

    I been trying to burn a extra 500-1200 cals a day on top of the 1600 cals and everything else, one thing im trying to watch is sodium and carbs, not trying to burn 4000+ like I was last year a day cause my doc said if im trying to have a baby at the sametime don't over do it just do what I can :)

    we can do this =)

    Just remember burn more than you eat just don't consume under 1200 cals as long as ur getting 1200 and plenty of water your good :D (1800 for a guy)

    Muscle weighs more than fat, muscle burns more fat

    3500 cals to put ON a lb
    3500 burned cals to take OFF a lb

    If you eat less than those carbs your body will go into starvation mode and store everything & we don't want that!

    hope that helps I know it helped me :)

    Also set your goals and when you make that goal treat yourself and only half a slice of cake or whatever of a normal serving size

    remember fast food/processed food/junk food stay away from it til your treat yourself day for making your goal =)
  • Thank you for your reply.

    Would you suggest I dont eat any of my exercise calories as I havent been so far, this week I have eaten all of my 1200 then not touched the exercise cals apart from yesterday as the baguette took me into my exercise cals. and this morning I am still bloated so I know its def the carbs.

    I have very minimal carbs as they dont agree with me
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    you don't want to eat ALL your workout cals back or you wont see any results you gotta eat for your body to be fuel'd or another thing that will happen is your body will start eating/pulling the muscle instead of fat and the food in your system

    if you eat 1200 but burn 600 don't be upset about not eating anymore than the 1200 I usually don't eat back my calories just cause it adds up at the end of the week

    3500 burned cals = 1lb lost!

    how many carbs you eating a day?
  • So far this week I have eaten 170, 155 and 113 a day but these have been in the form of in foods as apposed to bread, pasta etc as I have had none by the baguette. if that makes sense.

    I also have not eaten back any of my exercise cals, do you think I should not get on scales now till weigh day on sunday - I just thought maybe I would see a loss after 3 days but saying that I do still have 4 full days to go so fingers crossed I lose.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    weigh every sunday don't do every day or every few days you will drive yourself crazy low carb is good whole grains keep you fuller longer =)
  • I would be eating back those exercise calories. As a female, your net cals shouldn't be less than 1200. If you aren't eating back your calories, your net calories is still 800-850. That is way too low. It also gives you no room to move when you hit a genuine plateu.
  • I think I will see this week out as I am so I have a true weigh in and if its still not working I will increase my cal intake when I am exercising.

    I get married in 2.5 weeks and wanted to see some improvement for then. I have taken all my measurements to so even if one or the other happens I will be happy

    thanks for all your responses