Excercise and eating daily calories

Hi All,

I am new to MFP so hi all I wondered about exercising and eating your calories, I have 1200 a day and exercise everyday burning around 150-175 calories exercising but am not sure what i do about how many calories I eat, Do I eat just my 1200cals and not touch the exercise or do you eat some of the exercise cals?

I am at a plateau this week but I think this is because I have not been eating enough by at least half my calories a day which I know is not good so I have upped my eating plan and exercising every day.

Any help would be great as I would love to lose the last 9lb for my wedding in 3 weeks - do you think this is possible

thanks in advance


  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    You eat your 1200 and the calories you burn.

    You already have your daily calories set to lose weight; your goal is to hit that number as close as you can to lose weight safely - 1lb a week is MFP recommended setting. Is that what you are doing? 1lb a week?
    As for dropping a bunch of weight for some silly event, that's what people do who don't reach their goals. Crash weight loss is not the goal here. This is about lifestyle, living well and keeping the weight off for good.

    The goal is to lose the weight and develop new habits of food tracking and calories burned to offset food intake.

    Good Luck!
  • You have to burn around 2500 extra calories to actually lose 1 lb. If your eating plan says you get 1200 calories, I would stick to eating that then burning about 1500 extra calories per day if you want to lose 9 lbs that quickly.

    However, it's not very healthy to do it that way. Experts recommend that you don't try to lose more than 2 lbs per week if you want to keep it off.

    Good luck!
  • kelley1006
    kelley1006 Posts: 21 Member
    I usually eat all of my calories but leave my exercise calories alone. You will just have to see what works for you. Im not sure if 9 lbs is obtainable for 3 weeks but I think that 6 is absolutely possible. All you can do is try. Congratulations on your wedding and GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • Thank you for replying so I am to eat all exercise calories and my 1200 daily calories?

    I know the ideal is 1lb and most weeks I have been losing between 1-2lbs with the odd 3lb a week, with the plateau for 2 weeks its left 3 weeks not 5 to lose the last 9lb

    thanks again
  • Thanks Kelley

    I dont think i will get to 9lb esp due to xmas but would be happy at 6lb, plus i am doing the 30 day shred mixed with davina so will be just as happy to lose inches. 21 days left to go so lets hope some inches come off at least x
  • Your daily exercise seems low. If I was only buring around 150 cals a day, I wouldn't touch those gained calories. How many pounds you lose a week really depends on where you stand as fair as overweight or healthy weight.

    I don't think it will be possible to lose 9 pounds in 3 weeks. good weightloss is around 2 lbs a week, so thats about 6 lbs, IF you increase your excercise. Think of Calories burned in minutes minus 20. So If I run for 30 minutes, I have burned around 280-290 calories.

    I would suggest increasing excercise to atleast 300 calories and get more bang for your buck as far as food goes. VEGGIES try increasing your veggies servings to 2 and decreasing everything else by 1/2 - 1/3. GOOD LUCK!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You probably can't lose the "last" 9 pounds in three weeks. Someone with a lot to lose might be able to lose their "first" 9 pounds in that amount of time, but it would mostly be water weight.

    Losing weight slowly with a small calorie deficit (aiming for .5# a week), adequate protein (MFP defaults to 15%, which is pretty low), and regular exercise will target fat loss and make a bigger difference in how you look than trying to drop weight quickly and losing muscle with fat. And besides, the number on the scale is pretty much meaningless as you reach your goal. To illustrate, according to the scale, I only weigh 2.5# less in my December picture than I did during the Warrior Dash in June.

  • Hi all sorry I meant to write 250-275, would you suggest increasing this by another 100 cals a day? luckily I love my veg and I minimal carbs a week as I have to eat dinner at 8pm when I finish work so most days I have no carbs at all. Mainly weekends if I do
  • Wow you look great in your pics, It isnt technically my last 9lbs as I still have another 1.5 stone to get to target but I had set a wedding goal which I hoped would be acheiveable so the last 9lb is merely the wedding last lbs.

    To be honest I would be more then happy if i lost some inches then the weight, anything is better then nothing.As mentioned I am doing 30ds and a davina aerobic dvd as i read that the 30ds is not enough on its own.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    when I dropped wheat and didnt eat rice, potatoes etc first week I lost 7lb and 4 lb second.probably mostly water.. i dropped about 18lbs in last 3 months after it took me the first 3 months to just lose 9lb.,, you need to to burning more in exercise I try and burn at 600-800 extra a day somedays I've managed 1,000 if I'm wanting to have an higher calorie day or special meal out... so still end up with a 500 cal deficit even with more food.

    I lose 1-3lbs a week except for TOTM when I temporarily gain about 4lbs for a week.