katied75 Member


  • I also use high fiber English muffins. Toast them, put a drizzle of olive oil, add some pizza sauce, shredded cheese, and toppings. I usually eat 2, feel comfortably full, and have dinner for between 350 and 400 calories depending on toppings. Once all put together I broil them in my oven for a few minutes. *If I make…
  • Thanks, I would have done te same if I knew how! I appreciate it.
  • Sorry. I think the title fits my question.... Didn't mean to trick you. Thanks for the reply.
  • Thanks to all of you. I think the scale number is definitely messing with my head. In college a doctor diagnosed me with IBS with constipation but it only seems to flare up with dietary changes. It may just be my lot in life that to lose weight, this is an issue I will battle. The best solution is probably to weigh in less…
  • So looking at a one week span Feb. 2nd through 10th my fat goal was 51 grams. My days were as follows: 52, 72, 53, 39, 51, 66, 67. I was definitely high some days looking at that. I've also been under in carbs almost every day. I tend to be higher in fat and protein, lower in carbs naturally. But not low carb by any means.…
  • I've been tending to go over in fat by 5 or so grams per day. I figure that is close enough and I'm trying not to go crazy with hitting nutrient goals perfectly. My philosophy about this has been make one big change every few weeks so that I have time to adjust to new habits. I want this to be a lifelong change in habits.…
  • This thread has been interesting because it shows how many different approaches there are for weight loss. For a meal like that I eat super healthy during the day, skip snacks, and eat a reasonable portion of the splurge meal. I might go over the day by a couple hundred calories but nothing that a decent workout won't…
  • I'm not sure. I bought the dvd for $12 or so a year ago. I did order it online.
  • I'm not sure if it would be considered high intensity interval training, but I love Jackie Warner's power circuit training dvd! I do the 40 minute routine a few days a week.
  • Is it possible that I'm not eating enough sodium to metabolize all of the water I'm drinking? I know I am losing sodium when I work out too (isn't that why sweat is salty)? I have never been one to add salt to anything. I just assume that I get more than enough sodium through whatever I'm eating during the day. I guess I…
  • No, I don't track my sodium, although you make an interesting point. In general I eat very little sodium. I never use salt on anything and don't add much salt to the dinners I prepare at home. On Friday nights we order pizza. I eat one or two slices depending on how hungry I am. I stick to my calorie range that day but…