Techgirl2010 Member


  • I think I am going to try this friday after work!
  • 3/31 Miles: 2.0 My Miles This Week: 2.0 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 59.50 4/1 Miles: 3.5 My Miles This Week: 5.5 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 63.00
  • 3/29 Miles: 2.5 My Miles This Week: 13.06 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 39.21 3/30 Miles: 5.23 My Miles This Week: 18.29 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 57.50 Great work everyone!
  • 3/26 Miles: 3.5 My Miles This Week: 7.75 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 33.81 3/27 Miles:1.54 My Miles This Week: 9.29 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 35.35 3/28 Miles: 1.36 My Miles This Week: 10.56 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 36.71
  • 3/25 Miles: 4.25 My Miles This Week: 4.25 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 30.31 I am still here and going! Keep up the hard work everyone!
  • 3/21 Miles: 1.50 My Miles This Week: 9.69 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 21.96 3/22 Miles: 0.6 My Miles This Week: 10.29 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 22.56 3/23 Miles: 1.00 My Miles This Week: 11.29 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 23.56 3/24 Miles: 2.50 My Miles This Week: 13.79 My Miles Total for This…
  • 3/20 Miles: 2.00 My Miles This Week: 8.19 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 20.46 Awesome work everyone!!
  • 3/19 Miles: 1.19 My Miles This Week: 6.19 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 18.46
  • 3/16 Miles: 2.00 My Miles This Week: 2.00 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 13.56 3/17 Miles: 2.5 My Miles This Week: 4.5 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 16.06 3/18 Miles: 0.5 (the weather was horrible sunday) My Miles This Week: 5.0 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 16.56
  • 3/15 Miles: 3.44 My Miles This Week: 11.56 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 11.56
  • Mine is out for delivery, so by the time I get home from work it should be waiting for me! I am so excited to get started. I am starting Monday 19th also. Feel free to ADD me as a friend!
  • 3/13 Miles: 1.5 My Miles This Week: 6.5 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 6.5 3/14 Miles: 1.62 My Miles This Week: 8.12 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 8.12
  • I ordered mine on 3/10 and it was shipped out of ohio yesterday 3/13. I should have it by Monday!!
  • 3/10 Miles: 3.0 My Miles This Week: 3.0 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 3.0 3/11 Miles: 1.0 My Miles This Week: 4.0 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 4.0 3/12 Miles: 1.0 My Miles This Week: 5.0 My Miles Total for This Challenge: 5.0 Hopefully I can get a little longer one in today after work!
  • I ordered mine on Saturday. I checked my bank account and it shows the amount pending to be taken out as of right now. I haven't received my shipment email yet. Maybe that will be here by the end of the day!
  • 5'7 sw: 218 cw: 208 gw: 135
  • Hello everyone, I can't believe that it is already day 6! I will doing my workout and measurements after work tonight. I haven't lost any weight, but I think that I have lost some inches. I guess I will find out after work today. Have a great day everyone!
  • Well on to day 4 of the workout after I get off work today. Yesterdays workout went by really fast. I am feeling a little better today. My shoulder blades are the only part of my body that are still a little tender. Even though I haven't lost weight yet, I am losing inches already! I am excited to see what will happen…
  • Good Morning Everyone! I am not that sore this morning. I have a little tightness in my calves and shoulder blades. On to day 3 of 30 DS, I am just hoping that my measurements at least change by day 6. I guess we will see. Workout will be finished after I get off work this afternoon!
  • Back Front Side Ok, here goes nothing!!
  • Decided to get day 2 done ealier this morning. It was a little challenging since a am a little sore from yesterday! Oh well bring on a light workout tonight.
  • Day 1 finished. The workout wasn't to bad. Jillian makes sure that you do get a workout even at level 1! Well on to tomorrow, let's see how sore I am tomorrow.
  • Here we go.... I am going to try to post my pictures, but not sure how to
  • Hello, I am Amanda. This is my first time trying 30 DS. I have seen several success stories of people that have done this. I have always been active growing up, but I have never been thin. This is my chance to make a change and feel good about myself! Feel free to add me as a friend. I will help anyone stay motivated!…
  • I would love to get involved with this challenge. Feel free to add me.