Daryn46 Member


  • Thank you. Weight loss was one of my first responses to the breakup. She is a weight loss fanatic and lost weight as well. Don't mean to get graphic, but after a love making session (near the end of the relationship) she told me she could feel that it was harder for her because I was bigger. That was the slap in the face…
  • Thank you so much. It was so traumatic. When it isn't expected and you get a phone call "Can I come over" and then they bring the aweful news it is like a car accident. She was/is a weight loss fanatic and she pointed some things out about me that hit me in the face. So, yea the weight loss is a benefit. But I sure miss…
  • Thanks for the response. Let me ask you this. What if a guy does pay for the beer, literally, like going down to the gym and burning off the 600 calories that a six pack would consume? In other words, compensating for the fun. What do you think?
  • Thank you. I am focusing on myself. It is not something I am used to nor does it come easy. I enjoy being with others and focusing on others. To me, focusing on myself is just too easy.
  • Thanks Odonna. I like your name, it sort of sounds like Madonna. LOL. Anyway, yea the breakup was a major slap in the face. It has almost been 60 days and some of the aftermath garbage that has went on (I tried like to hell to get back with her but gave up this last week) made it even worse. Anyway, question for you.…
  • Congrats to you. I am now down to 212 pounds. I wonder if it is normal that weight loss kind of slows down. It just doesn't seem to be dropping as fast as it did in the first phase of my program. Thank God I have My Fitness Pal to track and try to help me figure out why it is slowing down. Why can't the weight keep…
  • You got that right. I am a 45 year old male in a major weight loss plan. I have lost 14 pounds in about 10 days. I cut out ALL alcohol 12 days ago. Tonight I caved in and just finished my third beer. You have to count it on here. If I drink much more I will not be having dinner. The good thing about beer is it is less…
    in Beer Comment by Daryn46 June 2010
  • I agree, alcohol is a major enemy of all weight loss attempts. I have been off of alcohol for 12 or 13 days now. With working out hard, using My Fitness Pal, I have lost 12 pounds in 10 days. I didn't think it could be done, but sure enough. It is hard, when you use alcohol to unwind and relax it is a shock to the system…