

  • Thank you all for replying....but it just proves that im going to have to live with these curvacious hips for awhile longer, like the REST OF MY LIFE lol I would definately rather carry the weight there than my waist, that is very unhealthy i agree. So i'll take what my momma gave me and just squash it down with SPANX lmao
  • I'll give them a try! I am willing to try anything! THANK YOU!
  • Great job on the weight loss girl! I will keep trekking along and hopefully they will disappear one day when im not looking HA!
  • Totally mom and grama both have them too! DAMN YOU GENETICS :)
  • Lol for sure!
  • First Kudos for admitting it and being honest to yourself! NOW Dont beat yourself up ....its nice to indulge once in awhile and get those cravings outta the way :) Just dont do it daily cuz all your hard work will be wasted. High five girl!
  • Same here...i use it for my protein shake, its pretty bland without it actually. It makes my protein shake taste better than using just water, and it saves on calories. Im lactose intolerant so its a great subsitute for milk in my case too. Try it out :)
  • I was just saying the same exact thing actually after 3 weeks of hard workouts 5 days a week the scale hasn’t budged! My thinking is I had a baby 7mths ago, and am now in my 30’s. I could drop weight easily in my 20’s. If it helps any I was told that im replacing my weight lost and replacing it with muscle. Good luck and…
  • Thank you all for the advice, I thought I could reply back to each one of you but It wont let me??? Still learning…..i feel so much better today after all your advice and support. I look forward to next Wednesday and stepping on that scale. I have noticed my clothes getting bigger which is amazing! Have a great day…
  • I was only eating about 3 a day with 2 snacks....your right i forgot that i should be eating smaller meals more often! Thanks