Having trouble dropping weight.

Hi im brand new to the website add me as friend….31 yr old mother of 4 kids age range 7mths -12yrs and I work full time. I am currently in a weight loss competition at work with 6 other ladies. First week I dropped 3.5 pounds, this week I gained .5 pounds. I work out 4-5 days a week and I have drastically changed my eating habits and watch my calorie intake strictly. I am so BUMMED out that all my hard work this week led me to gain instead of lose 

Im looking for maybe a few ideas on what foods are good weight loss choices without having to go to the gym 7 days a week and be away from my kids?


  • Do you eat like 6 little meals throughout the day? This helps keep your metabolism going and causes it to burn more fat. Plus, you do not get as hungry :) Try eating almonds too....they're a good kind of fat that helps burn more. Odd I know. Hope this helps!
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    It could be that you're losing weight and gaining back muscle? You're working out often enough :D

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? Also what is your calorie allowance?
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    welcome to MFP, feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member

    You may be gaining muscle weight. Have you tried comparing bust/waist/hip/arm/ thigh measurements? Muscle weighs more than fat and it can skew the weigh in measurements. You may find that you've lost inches, which in the long run are what matters.

    Keep up the good work and remember that the short term bumps will straighten out over time. :D
  • dkvote
    dkvote Posts: 58
    Welcome! Take your measurements...you will see results there first. As far as food goes...count your calories and watch your sodium...I have lost 6lbs from water retention; there one day and gone the next! Add me if you like, I love supportive and motivated friends! Oh and my diary is open to my friends! :)
  • BrowneJen
    BrowneJen Posts: 42 Member
    Go to the top of this page. Click on serch and type in how MFP works...Lots of good information there! Must read....Jen:flowerforyou:
  • Along with almonds being a good fat, there's olives, avacados, olive oil, seeds, nuts, and dark chocolate. They all have that healthy fat (commonly known as MUFA for monosaturated fatty acids). The nuts and seeds are great for grabbing a handful when you're hungry and they're pretty filling too.
  • Do not get discouraged at all, we have all been there, like everyone else is saying, take your measurements as well cause you can be dropping inches instead. I wish you luck on your journey to reach your goals, and I sent friend request.
  • bhoochy
    bhoochy Posts: 35 Member
    Don't lose heart. I know there are times in the month were I lose massive amounts of weight (like a pound a day) then when I reach a point in my monthly cycle, I won't lose a thing for like a week and a half. I figure it's hormonal and just push though that time knowing that I will get frustrated that no matter what I do will make a difference. I just try and hammer home my new habits during that time knowing it will pay off for when my hormones stabilize! I know it sounds like tmi but I think this may be true of all women when trying to lose weight and it's important to understand why you hit a wall and just know about your body so not to get too frustrated. Also Welcome!!
  • If you've been doing strength training the .5 lbs you gained could easily be muscle weight. You could try taking your measurements every few weeks: arms, legs, waist, hips. You could be losing inches there even if your weight doesn't change much. Just give it time, it will. For me I have recently started eating 5 or 6 little meals a day, the more often you eat the less hungry you are at each meal and also helps keep your metabolism going. Feel free to add me as a friend and welcome to MFP!
  • valldeperas5
    valldeperas5 Posts: 9 Member
    If you are eating a lot of fruit...bananas, strawberries..the sweeter fruits cut back...stick to oranges and apples. Also check your sugar and salt intake. Remember that we are women and our monthly cycle can have an effect of the scale...Keep a positive thought process going. Remember the weight didn't come on over night and it won't go away over night. Your exercising and that is wonderful...keep it up..it will pay off in the end. Drink lots of water and measure everything. You can do this, just keep going!:flowerforyou:
  • First, congrats on joining the competition at work, and I hope that you and the other participants make decisions that successfully impact you for the rest of your lives.

    May I make a couple of observations?

    First, your body is in shock and needs to stabilize. 3.5 lbs is a lot for your first week, so a minor gain or stall is OK.

    Second, why not get your kids active with you? You will be able to spend time with them, and be setting a good example of activity and making healthy choices. Walking around the block, playing in the park, doing old fashioned sit-ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc. in the family room.

    I like my "gym" time where I can zone out and be anonymous and do my routine, but I know that the things I do each day (walking, good food choices, exercise with the Wii, etc.) probably have a greater impact because they're part of my new life.

    Good luck!
  • ckania,

    You may be gaining muscle weight. Have you tried comparing bust/waist/hip/arm/ thigh measurements? Muscle weighs more than fat and it can skew the weigh in measurements. You may find that you've lost inches, which in the long run are what matters.

    Keep up the good work and remember that the short term bumps will straighten out over time. :D

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat --- one pound = one pound.

  • kayelrick
    kayelrick Posts: 31 Member

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat --- one pound = one pound.


    Common sense tells us a pound of muscle and a pound of fat have to weigh the same, but they do differ in density. This means if you look at five pounds of muscle and five pounds of fat side by side, the fat takes up more volume, or space, than the muscle.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    This is why I do not like competitions. We all lose in different ways. You might be gaining muscle. You might be up .5 because its that time of the month and tomorrow you'll drop another two when your body hormones shift. It's all so individual. I think we should get a plan for ourselves and stick to it and if we are not shrinking, either in weight or size alter our plan, but not compare ourselves with anyone else. A larger person will lose faster, burn more calories when they work out, may have more or less muscle to tissue, etc.

    To address your other question, I like to exercise at home. An exercise cycle is nice for when you just feel like veging out in front of the tv and do the bike. Exercise videos are always good. Don't feel like you have to kill yourself to burn fat. You can get a peppy video, and have your kids join you. People are really getting into zumba and you can modify all that to your own fitness level. There are exercise band videos and yoga videos for strength to alternate with your fat burning work outs. There's tons of stuff to do at home. Visit a walmart or target department store and find a whole section of home work out stuff.
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat --- one pound = one pound.


    Common sense tells us a pound of muscle and a pound of fat have to weigh the same, but they do differ in density. This means if you look at five pounds of muscle and five pounds of fat side by side, the fat takes up more volume, or space, than the muscle.

    That is what I meant.

    A pound of muscle is leaner than a pound of fat, therefore a 3x3 piece of muscle will weigh more than a 3x3 piece of fat will. A person can be 150 lbs and have a healthy BMI if they have a lot of lean muscle. When losing weight, you can lose 3 lbs of fat and gain 2 lbs of muscle, for a net loss of 1 lb, and still be losing more inches than a person who lost just 3 lbs of fat. Before life got in the way, I was a Powerlifter. I maintained a weight of 180 lbs with an ever decreasing BMI due to the amount of muscle I was adding instead of fat.
  • I was only eating about 3 a day with 2 snacks....your right i forgot that i should be eating smaller meals more often! Thanks
  • Thank you all for the advice, I thought I could reply back to each one of you but It wont let me??? Still learning…..i feel so much better today after all your advice and support. I look forward to next Wednesday and stepping on that scale. I have noticed my clothes getting bigger which is amazing! Have a great day everyone! Good luck to us all!