

  • I actually did the first week first day last night...I could definitely use the support too.
  • I found a great website: It has lots of ideas and most of the time has the calorie count and all nutritional info. Hope that helps!!
  • I love DDR. We used to have competitions at my house. GO YOU!!! I could only play on easy whenever I played but the longer you play and the more often you do songs the more coordinated you will become. I think it goes along with the cliche that "practice makes perfect"...well almost perfect. Good luck working out with DDR,…
  • I totally agree. I know that my form is not the best when doing workout videos at home...but I am burning calories. I don't like going to the gym and do not have the time or money for it right now. I prefer the videos. I know I am not perfect but getting up and moving has been my goal...and I can see and feel the…
  • I was wondering the same things because, for example, yesterday I had about 500 calories added to my daily calories because of exercise but could not consume that many more calories yesterday. I am also worried about being under the calories.
  • I want to try this. I will join and see how it goes. I am going to do it on Mon, Wed, Fri.
  • I would love it if Derek had one, he's my favorite. They do have one with Max and Cheryl. I wish it came with a pro....
  • Hi. I am new to this site (only 3rd day) and would like to be part of this group. I am 26 and a mother of two little girls. I am currently at 234lbs and want to be around 160lbs. My healthy weight range is 142-165. I would love to be in that range!! I have a hard time with the exercising part of living healthy but am…
  • If it was me I would not skip dinner. It would be too long of a time from your last meal at night to the first meal in the morning. I do have similar problems though. I don't work late but after being at home with my children all day I am wiped out. I have been having a difficult time finding time to exercise. An idea you…
    in help! Comment by ARJacobson June 2010