The problem with home exercise videos

I think P90X is a fantastic exercise program if you can stick to it, but while I was watching my man and a friend of ours do the Shoulders and Arms workout last weekend, I found that possibly the biggest flaw in this program and all other video exercise programs is that people don't position themselves correctly in the exercises. I found myself CONSTANTLY correcting their form, and kept hearing "this is different..i can actually feel it now" from the guys. (not that my form is always perfect, but I spent 15 years as a gymnast, so part of my training was to know where my body was in space, and how it was positioned without needing a mirror.)

The issue could easily be fixed if P90X and all other home video workouts were done with someone present to help you fix your form, or even in front of a mirror...but let's face it, these type of videos are designed to be used in a living room, bedroom, garage, etc...not a fully mirrored dance or exercise studio. I suppose I'm just voicing my concern that incorrect form could render some of the exercises inneffective or could even lead to injury; especially when using heavy weights.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You're so right! I've been working on perfecting my form during my strength routinet he last couple weeks and I can tell a big difference.
  • evanbeek
    evanbeek Posts: 42 Member
    I agree 100%. Any new workout routine, either at the gym or at home, would be best served with a professional present atleast the fist day (if not the first couple of days). Unfortunately, the reason that people do the "at home* exercise routines is because they either don't have money for a trainer or want to do it on their own.

    Maybe there's a business opportunity there? Kind of like the companies that will come out and set up your computer and show you how to use it the first time. Someone that could come out to your house when you first start a multi-week/month workout routine and show you some good steps to being safe and getting the most out of it.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    While I agree that proper form is needed in any exercise routine, lets not forget the purpose of these videos. The developers know that consumers will probably utilize them at home so the consumers dont have to be embarassed when going to the gym. Unfortuantely alot of people are afraid to just join a gym so they invest in these videos instead. Some prefer not having anyone looking over them as they are self conscious enough about their appearance, they dont even want their significant others within 10 blocks of the house when they use the videos!
    Maybe they utilize them because they conveniently fit their time frames of when they can workout.Some only have certain times during the day they can workout. Some would even tell you that they hated working out at a gym because they didnt like anyone telling them ten different ways to do one exercise.
    People who are frustrated by their workouts generally tend to not enjoy criticism, even if it is to help them. Thats where the videos come in handy, lots of encouragement from ol Tony, and hey, they are doing something productive, they are burning claories. Myabe they wont develop that tricep as quickly as someone with better form, but they are trying, they are moving and they are doing....
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I think of p90x as being more of the type of program that was truly geared more for people like me, people that already knew how to exercise and wanted to take it further. I think its more of a by product that very out of shape people have used it successfully (yet with risk).

    I'm sure if you were watching more of the introductory type videos like P90 and the likes you would see more emphasis on things like learning form and not over doing it.
  • ARJacobson
    ARJacobson Posts: 11
    While I agree that proper form is needed in any exercise routine, lets not forget the purpose of these videos. The developers know that consumers will probably utilize them at home so the consumers dont have to be embarassed when going to the gym. Unfortuantely alot of people are afraid to just join a gym so they invest in these videos instead. Some prefer not having anyone looking over them as they are self conscious enough about their appearance, they dont even want their significant others within 10 blocks of the house when they use the videos!
    Maybe they utilize them because they conveniently fit their time frames of when they can workout.Some only have certain times during the day they can workout. Some would even tell you that they hated working out at a gym because they didnt like anyone telling them ten different ways to do one exercise.
    People who are frustrated by their workouts generally tend to not enjoy criticism, even if it is to help them. Thats where the videos come in handy, lots of encouragement from ol Tony, and hey, they are doing something productive, they are burning claories. Myabe they wont develop that tricep as quickly as someone with better form, but they are trying, they are moving and they are doing....

    I totally agree. I know that my form is not the best when doing workout videos at home...but I am burning calories. I don't like going to the gym and do not have the time or money for it right now. I prefer the videos. I know I am not perfect but getting up and moving has been my goal...and I can see and feel the difference already. I am hoping in the next month I can get to the gym and work out on some equipment but for now this is how I can do it.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    I couldn't agree more about the possibility for people to use improper form. However, so long as they are not doing something to injure themselves I feel that if they are moving, or doing the reps, they are still burning the calories and gaining more benefit then if they did nothing.
    I remember starting Turbo Jam and not having a clue what the moves were and not "feeling the burn" for the longest time. It took me a while to get the forms and moves down. However, I still burned a hella good amount of calories.

    Safety first, but otherwise, the form will come.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Very good point. One of the first things I bought to go along with my P90X gear was a full length mirror, and if I feel like I'm doing something wrong or something feels weird while I'm doing it I have my husband come watch. I wish a Beachbody coach would come to my house and actually coach a few times throughout the program. Especially with pull-ups :grumble: I swear I do them wrong and will never be able to do a real one. :grumble:
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I saw an ad on Craigslist from a personal trainer advertising p90x training - guess they see the business opportunity in your idea! :wink: