Stef, I don't believe that you have any place in this forum unless you are going to offer your own story of how an IUD did or didn't affect you. Everyone here is simply stating their truth, and they do not deserve to be harrassed by you telling them that they must not be working hard enough or eating correctly. Birth…
I got my Mirena inserted in December, and I was so excited because I thought there would be no side effects, that it wouldn't mess with my hormones, and on top of that I wouldn't even have to THINK about birth control for five whole years!! I've been consistently exercising for 2 years now, a healthy mix of weights and…
I plan on switching back to the pill I was on for 5 years, after having Mirena for 10 months. The hormones just aren't working in my favour, causing acne and weight gain around my hips and thighs. Everyone reacts differently, but I definitely had an easier time managing my weight on the pill.
I never had a problem managing my weight when I was on seasonique, a pill. However, I got Mirena inserted in December and I definitely noticed a rather quick 10lb weight gain as well as acne all along my jawline and I'm more fatigued. Different hormones will affect people differently, and in my case the progestin-only…
I was on seasonique for 5 years and it was very easy to regulate my weight. Looking a little soft? More veggies, less candy for 3 weeks and I'd have everything under control. I never had a problem losing weight when I wanted to. I then was off of any birth control for 8 months and I noticed I had mood swings, intense…
Woohoo! I know for sure that getting a caffeine fix is a hard thing to replace. Up until I went to college, I would drink up to 3 cans od diet pepsi a day, since i was 12! OMG! I learned to love unsweetened iced green tea (actually my caffeine of choice now!) and it's good for you, too! So if you're looking for a…
I'm almost 21 and in college, no kids, and being fit and healthy is hard! But I'm making it a personal goal to meet and surpass my summer weight, which was 118.5, but nothing below 113. I have a small frame, so I don't think this is going to be unhealthy and if I realize along the way that I would look bad, I'll be fine…
a lot of times we mistake hunger for thirst - i know i definitely had to learn the difference when I first started working out!
Make sure you're drinking a ton of water, no soda (not even diet!) and a low sodium intake :) Something that I realized helps me is to cut out as much bread and crackers etc. as i can, because women's bodies don't metabolize carbs as well as men, which sucks, because bread is the bomb, but it all adds up!
Well I haven't had any babies, but I like Express's jeans / Zelda jeggings, I have them in white and they are soo comfortable and aren't super low rise like my Hollister jeans, so I'm not constantly worried about my bum-crack showing!
You are suppose to measure them in a measuring cup. When you weigh them, it should be in grams, the nutritional info should say how many grams a serving is
I am in LOVE with Blogilates!! If you go to her website, she has all her videos, sample meal and workout plans, and blog entries and contests.. She's so much fun and I really push through her videos because she's so motivating!!
Also, I'm in college, and just finished my first year with less than adequate grades, when I was living at home my parents were on top of me to do my homework and the last two years I still got around them and my grades slipped. I decided to go on medication to help me get my grades back in order, and will wean myself off…
I am on 20mg Metadate CD :)
How do you guys log the Blogilates videos?
The blogilates videos i log as just a "pilates" workout