Small victory

This is small, but for me its kind of a big deal. I did not have my normal Diet Mtn Dew today for breakfast! I ran out and haven't bought any and instead I had crystal light.

I used to drink 2-3 cans of diet pop a day. Now I'm down to 1 most days and today I'm hoping to have zero! Baby steps right!


  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Strong work!! Keep at it - it's worth it!
  • annieemmons
    annieemmons Posts: 16 Member
    WOOT! Congrats on that. That was the hardest thing for my husband as his family drinks a lot of pop on a daily basis. Now we don't even keep pop around the house and only get it on special occasions. For me, coffee and tea are my caffeine fixes. I don't think I could give up my coffee altogether, but I do try to drink less.
  • dacadoo
    dacadoo Posts: 32
    Awesome victory! I know getting away from Soda is a very hard habit to break so you go!!!!
  • karliwelhoelter
    karliwelhoelter Posts: 22 Member
    Woohoo! I know for sure that getting a caffeine fix is a hard thing to replace. Up until I went to college, I would drink up to 3 cans od diet pepsi a day, since i was 12! OMG! I learned to love unsweetened iced green tea (actually my caffeine of choice now!) and it's good for you, too! So if you're looking for a replacement, try that!