mstoneberger Member


  • this is what i have been doing.. i feel fine eating my 1290 a day and when i burn all the calories at the gym i will have a snack after but i feel like im not doing anything if i eat all those calories back and iv been loosing weight... i just dont want it all to come back
  • i go by the calories on mfp.. but the trainer said i need to eat all those calories plus the calories i burn.. if i ate all that i would feel like a cow.. what mfp says and the machine is usually pretty close.. and on the machine i put in my weight and it is supposed to have a better reading.. i am just so confused about…
  • a trainer at the gym i go to said that.. i just workout at the gym.. i do one cardio machine and usually burn over 700 in an hr on that
  • I had the same problem.. I always did so good for the first day or two and then id fall into a slump but I learned that loosing weight is a lifestyle change and I was taking on to much.. So I started off slow.. I gave up soda first then I did the fast food.. (i still eat out but only like once a week) I also work out at…
  • i started insanity yesterday and did the fit test and that really pushed me.. i am going to actually start my first workout question is for people that have already done a round does it really work.. i want to loose 50lbs and i dont wanna kill myself with this workout if it isnt gonna help me get in shape
  • i started insanity yesterday with the fit test and it kicked my butt but im gonna push through.. i need motivation to keep me going... i am also still going to the gym at least 4 days a week and doing the treadmill when i cant make it to the gym.. need to loose 50lbs so gotta do everything i can