misskariw Member


  • ...Just say that you've had so much rich holiday food you've made a resolution to only have little bits of the best everywhere you go so that you don't end the holidays feeling terrible...most people are understanding.
  • Maybe try Stevia since it's actually a different type of sweet plant instead of a chemical sugar substitute..or...you could use dates and other fruits for sweetening foods and honey for hot drinks. If you're hankering for a sweet tea...I'd go with the fruit, there, too.
  • I'm on the wagon...a few down..about 121 to go! I've added a few of you, but couldn't keep clicking! Add me! The support is appreciated and reciprocated! :glasses:
  • I think it's great that you are thinking about how to get to where you want to be. You don't need a gym to exercise. Can you do it before the kids wake up or after they go to bed? Can the older kids help watch the littles for an hour or so? Mom needs time to take care of herself. If you can't seem to find time for anything…
  • I don't like "plain" meat. Turkey on a sandwich? Needs mustard or mayonaisse. Hamburger? Mayo is a must, ketchup is probably. Chicken? If it doesn't have a gravy of some type, there better be some honey mustard, or ranch dressing, or barbecue sauce nearby. Steak? If done right, it can be dipped in it's own au jus, if done…
  • Can I join? I've got over 100 lbs to lose? misskariw
  • Yep. I am with some of these other folks. If it's new, drink plenty of water with all that fiber, cook your veggies if you need to (I think raw food is great, but not if your body can't tolerate it yet.) And if it says diet, or light, or anything like that...start looking at your labels. Maybe your body doesn't like all…
  • OH...and...make sure you get plenty of lean protein, lots of green veggies, a moderate amount of fruit, healthy fats (nuts, avacado, olive oil) and fiber. All of those things will help control the insulin resistance and since PCOS is rooted in insulin resistance, it should help your symptoms. I also think that eating as…
  • Simply? Try to cut as much "white" from your diet as you can. Sugar (the plain ol' white kind), and the artificial stuff (b/c chemicals don't help balance your already out-of-whack chemicals[hormones]. So...very light on the white bread, pasta, crackers, sweets, white rice ,etc. I hardly eat bread at all when I'm paying…
  • I'm inconsistent at best when it comes to my water exercise. That part aside, I do notice that if I'm going to the pool, the scale is moving down (even if, for me, it's tiny increments.) It moves faster than walking, and it doesn't make my knees, my back, my feet, my legs, or my sides hurt. There's a lot of resistance in…
  • Harney & Sons teas...they have a new pumpkin flavor...available online, at Target, some Starbucks (those located inside Barnes & Noble) & Williams-Sonoma. Steep, cream with almond milk if you must (the unsweetened kind), sweeten with stevia, drink up!
  • I was able to actually reach my foot when we stretched them behind us in our class this morning. Haha
  • I've heard the same thing. However, that's also what's in the new Starbucks drinks isn't it? It's probably just a matter of a significant amount of caffeine getting into your system. It will definitely leave you restless (if you're good at channeling that, then maybe more energy) and some people either forget to or don't…
  • I think it's there more for you to aim for reaching that amount than about going over. Just remember that in order for fiber to keep your digestive system happy, it needs LOTS of liquid. So...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. (Plus, it just feels good to bump that number higher and higher for water each day!)
  • This syndrome is MEAN ain't she girls? I hate it. I think about it every day. I'm finally trying to do something about it. I read something about how because of PCOS our bodies chemicals are already way out of whack. Insulin , more prone to depression, testosterone in places where it doesn't belong, etc... Therefore, the…
  • Make yourself a schedule (I love google calendar) and use it. We're getting up at 7 a.m. and Lights Out in our house is at 1 a.m. And that's ON OUR SCHEDULE!! Anything you need or want to get done has to be on the schedule or you will never do it. My roomie and I had a LONG chat about this phenomenon just last night.…
  • It hurts my heart that you have suffered abuse in any form at any time in your life. You are deserving of as much as anyone else. There is always hope. May you find peace and healing and love.
  • I eat back a pretty good amount of mine. I take a water fitness class in the mornings and usually add on at least 15 minutes of lap swimming, more if we have more available time or if I wake up and can get to the pool before my class starts. If I don't eat back at least some of the exercise calories, I'm hungry to the…
  • I tend to only read the newer boards. There's always a fresh voice and we're always looking at new information. If someone hasn't been here long, it's definitely a simpler process just to ask the question. There's always someone willing to answer. If you want a new topic, ask a new question.
  • www.zappos.com order your shoes online. I think the MOST I've ever spent on pair of shoes is $120 and those were for work at a job where I HAD to stand on my feet all day every day. Where are you shopping?
  • I know all about a gaggle of Day 1 starts. Thankfully, I've been in the mindset for a while and making small adjustments along the way. But, last night, the roommate and I sat down and mulled over our current style of living. We eat out too much. We watch too much TV. We eat too much junk food. So, we made grocery lists,…
  • Beautiful South Carolina!
  • I like real food. I love MFP friends. I could use all the help I can get.
  • I totally agree. I had a sub sandwich from Jimmy John's yesterday and was starving by the time I got home, even though that meant I had eaten more yesterday than I've been eating for the last 10-12 days. It's a hard cycle to break, too. I'm ok as long as I'm sticking with meats, cheeses, fruits, & veggies, but as soon as I…
  • I love Almonds. But right now, the only nuts in the house are pistachios. They're YUMMY! I'm eating lots of tiny meals though, so I'm not exactly snacking. They're usually part of one of my meals if I eat them.
  • Try not to obsess. I know, easier said than done. The thing is..everybody needs a minimum of 1200 calories for the day. If you're exercising, you need more, and unless you're already a tiny person, you need more than that for existing. I wrote my own plan because nothing was working for me. I'm eating 6 times a day (this…
  • I wish I could offer you some kind of advice. I can't. I was suppossed to start with day 1 this morning, but I was nauseous from eating pork last night! I couldn't believe the adverse reaction my body had to unhealthy food. Oh, well. I'll try to start after work tonight or maybe tomorrow morning.
  • We're registering for the Color Run, too! I think we're doing the one in Nashville, TN, since that's my favorite place on earth!