

  • I'm in sounds great. I missed today but I will do my Saturday on Sunday. So pumped!
  • Hi. You are just the person I was looking for. Please add me.
  • I've got a 1year old and am about to go back to college myself. I to am trying to work this out in my head it will really get down to your diet and walking as much as you can. Walk on your 15 min breaks, walk 15 min of your lunch. Park far away so you have to walk more take the stairs instead of the elevator, take a 10 min…
  • I'm a breastfeeding mom. My lactation consultant told me not to focus on loosing the weight at first because I had several issues with nursing. But I am proud to say we made it through! In 1hour and 10minutes my little one will be 1 years old. She is my second child when I was so much younger (16 years ago) the weight feel…
  • You are not alone. I don't own one either. But I have to admit it is getting a little hard I think I am making progress through inches but I would like to chart my weight loss when I start Insanity. Just weigh once a week or every 2weeks. If we don't then we'll never know how much to celebrate while you are loosing it.…
  • It 's very normal for a 12 year old boy to eat you out of house and home. I have a 16 year old son and he did the same thing. Now he's a soccer player. He's now almost 6ft tall (5'11 1/2) and still eating. My sister has 5 boys and 1 girl. All her boys eat like there wont be any food tomorrow. As long as you keep healthy…
  • I'm in the same quandary JBEAM. I am not sure what Power 90 is. I really want to try P90X. I don't have the pull up bar or the weights and i don't want any excuses to give myself. I am sure that I will try P90X but I too am not ready to spend the $150 on it just yet. Have you heard of Insanity by Shaun T. I watched the…