Skinny Saturday Challenge!



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :happy: What a great team! Let's stick together and double up for success! :flowerforyou: What is your gameplan today??

    :drinker: My plan is to start chugging icewater right after my coffee! I am going out shopping and to lunch with my daughter so I will shoot for a healthy salad and lots of water while we are out. I am planning on another workout and something grilled for supper. Even though I am busy today, I know I can do this. And I know I must report back to you. That accountability works for me! I am sending out gooooooooooooooooooooood vibes to you this morning! Hang in there....consistancy and hardwork pays off. Bring it on Mr. Saturday!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    :heart: Be sure to make a new friend on the thread today and encourage one another! There is power in numbers!

    :heart: :heart: Newsflash: I am ecstatic! We just found out we are to be grandparents soon! I never imagined how wonderful that would feel! Here is one more reason to get fit and healthy....I want to be in great shape to really enjoy my grandchildren!:heart::heart:
  • I'm in too!! This is totally what I need. Its the weekends when most of my other support groups go MIA so this is perfect!!

    Double exercise, double water and double my willpower.

    Anyone needing a support friend, workout buddy or just another friend to help through this journey, feel free to friend me

  • I have a question - I work as a "hostess" in a local restaurant. I greet and seat guests when they come in. I also will bus the server's tables to help out. Do I count that as exercise or do I change my activity status from light to active?

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :grumble: Was up 1.5 lbs this morning.

    :drinker: So have decided to have a fruit 'n' veggie substitution day today and drink lots of water. Want to also ride my bike to the farmers market.

    BFN :heart:
  • Consider me in!! Rain won't keep me down : )

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  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member

    My plan for the day

    Jillian 30 day shred pre breakfest---didn't happen, my hrm wasn't working right- i wound up having to tighten the strap AGAIN!!! also had to let it air out abit- I DID do it AFTER breakfest so DONE!!

    Billy Banks- 1pm

    20 min walk after dinner- 7ish???

    my goal is six of my 32 ounce water bottles- got a slow start on this this morning. I've got 1 down, 5 to go!.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Sassy you are doing fantastic!

    I was going to shred today but didn't so instead I did turbo jam and went on the exercise bike.

    Does green tea count towards water intake? Because I drink loads of water anyway but I have been drinking lots more green tea just recently as I love it!
  • paradisegal
    paradisegal Posts: 13 Member
    Hey new buddy! I'm in. Just read this challenge. Have hit the gym this a.m. and completed 5 mi. on stationary bike. My biggest downfall on weekends is getting my water in.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Wow I'm late! Knocked out some calories in the garden with the rototiller. It is a workout! Don't know how I'll do today as I have alot of family in town. Nieces wedding was yesterday, it was beautiful. Food at the reception was lo-cal wonderful, what a thoughtful girl. Fresh salad, roasted veggies, roasted potatoes, fish fillets, chicken. Even the cake was lite.

    Wish me luck today, Alice
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Finished my 2 mile road race this morning....4th in my division! WOW! That was pretty exciting! YAY ME! :bigsmile:

    Now I'm working on lots of yard work & some gardening too. Then I'm gonna try to get a bike ride in today!
  • idk if this sorta counts... but i did double cardio today... i was bad yesterday... it was my punishment lol. actually i did like triple cardio. 45 min eliptical, 7.8 mile stationary bike which was SUPER hilly and burned 370 there, plus I ran like 2 miles (to the Y and back)
  • peanut1967
    peanut1967 Posts: 52 Member
    I was not so good today - I ate icecream :blushing: It's not common that we have Ben & Jerry's icecream in the fridge (that's a lame excuse, I know). It was just after the icecream that I remembered the sinny saturday challenge. Sigh!
    Lunch was very slim though, so I still kept within my calorie goal for today. And I did my workout as planned (not double - I'm not yet fit enough for that), I was quite exhausted afterwards and drank loads of water.
    Next time will be better!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    2 mile run - check
    yard work - check
    weeding the garden - check
    bike ride - check

    164 minutes of exercise & almost 1100 calories burned! :bigsmile:

    14 (8oz) waters down the hatch so far!:drinker:

    I'm done for the day - time to shower then head to the Rodeo! :bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I was not so good today - I ate icecream :blushing: It's not common that we have Ben & Jerry's icecream in the fridge (that's a lame excuse, I know). It was just after the icecream that I remembered the sinny saturday challenge. Sigh!
    Lunch was very slim though, so I still kept within my calorie goal for today. And I did my workout as planned (not double - I'm not yet fit enough for that), I was quite exhausted afterwards and drank loads of water.
    Next time will be better!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: "sinny saturday". Was that a freudian slip or what? Good for you for doing well the rest of the day though. Keep logging and don't give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Every day is a new day!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    idk if this sorta counts... but i did double cardio today... i was bad yesterday... it was my punishment lol. actually i did like triple cardio. 45 min eliptical, 7.8 mile stationary bike which was SUPER hilly and burned 370 there, plus I ran like 2 miles (to the Y and back)

    :happy: Great job Disney! That exercise will pay off! Wish I was strong enough to join you! I am exhausted just reading about your far so good here. I am under on my cals, (ate Thai for lunch...low in cals and very healthy...only high in sodium), got two workouts in and am swimming in water! I have focused on getting lots of fruits and veges in and am feeling great!

    Does green tea count as water? I don't know....depends on who you speak with. :wink: For myself, I would only count it towards my water intake if it was decaf. Research and see what works for you. I know this, green tea is a very healthy choice of drink! Dr. Oz drinks it so I am in! (My hero!) :drinker:

    :heart: :smooched: Well, I am calling it a Skinny Sat. for sure! I am soooooooooooooo proud of you for taking the challenge. :bigsmile: Did you walk away from anything today that you normally have trouble saying no to? If so, please share. Here is to a wonderful Sat. evening and a blessed Sunday! Wishing you a great "rest of the weekend!" See you on the Skinny Wed. Challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I have a question - I work as a "hostess" in a local restaurant. I greet and seat guests when they come in. I also will bus the server's tables to help out. Do I count that as exercise or do I change my activity status from light to active?


    Personally, I would change my status to active. It sounds like you are burning alot of calories today! Hoooooooo hooooooooooooooot!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have a question - I work as a "hostess" in a local restaurant. I greet and seat guests when they come in. I also will bus the server's tables to help out. Do I count that as exercise or do I change my activity status from light to active?


    :drinker: I would count it as exercise, because so much depends on how many days, how many hours and what other active activities you do . My answer might be different for a much younger person. But as women of a certain age metabolism plays a role in the activity department.

    All the best

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • peanut1967
    peanut1967 Posts: 52 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: "sinny saturday". Was that a freudian slip or what? Good for you for doing well the rest of the day though. Keep logging and don't give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Every day is a new day!

    *LOL* In fact this saturday was a sinny one, but believe me, I punished myself at the gym :laugh:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Awesome SSC today!

    High impact Zumba before noon, then a decent round of Circuit weights....

    Came home and RE-ORGANIZED the garage...yikes, it was 104 @ one :devil:

    5 hours of sweat....I'll definitely call it an awesome SSC :tongue:

    Almost 100 ounces of water today....and I think I needed more! :drinker:
  • I'm in sounds great. I missed today but I will do my Saturday on Sunday. So pumped!
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