Power 90 or P90X

jbeam Posts: 7 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am having a hard time making a decision on whether I should get Power 90 or P90X. I am fairly new to the fitness game, so Power 90 seems geared more for beginners. However, I am really motivated & have been doing well on my own so far, so I am up for a challenge. I know they are both made by the same company, so they should have similar styles of working you out.
Power 90 is half the cost, so it is hard for me to justify double my dollars if I can lose the same amount of weight with the less expensive program.

Is P90X worth the $150??

Any good suggestions?


  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    If you are really in shape the P90X would be great. My son was home from college last week. He was doing the workout. It looked pretty tough. He is in excellent shape and didn't have a problem. He told me I should get the Power 90 for beginners. It will depend on your physcial fitness condition. There wasn't a whole lot of room for modifications on the 90X dvd. Hope this helps.:happy:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You know, you can start with something cheap like the 30 day shred ... and then see how motivated you are in pursuing your fitness.

    P90X is not necessary for weight loss, though I believe it is worth the investment (you can see my progression photos in my profile).
  • Evolution
    Evolution Posts: 8
    I'm in the same quandary JBEAM. I am not sure what Power 90 is. I really want to try P90X. I don't have the pull up bar or the weights and i don't want any excuses to give myself. I am sure that I will try P90X but I too am not ready to spend the $150 on it just yet. Have you heard of Insanity by Shaun T. I watched the infomercial and it looks like it is just my cup of tea. The only thing with this dvd is it cost the same as P90X. The thing that sold me is that you use your own body weight to build muscle. Again I'm still thinking about it. I will start Shaun T/'s Hip Hop workout soon. THan I am borrowing from a friend who used it and got great results. She's on to P90X now.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I have both,
    Do the fitness test for p90x, just google p90x fitness test. If you get through that pretty well go ahead and go for p90x. It is far more intense than p90 so for the time you put in you will get more out of it. If you have trouble with the test go for p90. I don't really like the layout of p90 as it is less intense and not much variety so I started by just doing parts of p90x and taking breaks/skipping some exercises. There isn't much room for modification but you can certainly decide your weight, reps and overall intensity so the program stays with you as you grow.
    It has really been worth the money to me because it is just a solid program with a solid workouts not gimmicky stuff you usually get out of weight loss things.
    It isn't a must have by any means but I like having my workouts set for me so no excuses, just press play like the lame infomercial says.
  • jbeam
    jbeam Posts: 7 Member
    Wow thanks to everyone for the great insite & ideas. I will definitly be doing the P90X fitness test this evening. And I had a friend who just let me borrow Gillian's 30 Day Shred, so that is where I will start.

    Thanks again!! Good luck to everyone on hitting their goals!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Wow thanks to everyone for the great insite & ideas. I will definitly be doing the P90X fitness test this evening. And I had a friend who just let me borrow Gillian's 30 Day Shred, so that is where I will start.

    Thanks again!! Good luck to everyone on hitting their goals!!

    :laugh: I have over 40 cousins so whenever there's a program I want to try out, the chances are at least one of them has it ... and since I don't feel like explaining that all the time I always say that I'm borrowing it from a friend.
    The thing that sold me is that you use your own body weight to build muscle. Again I'm still thinking about it. I will start Shaun T/'s Hip Hop workout soon. THan I am borrowing from a friend who used it and got great results. She's on to P90X now.
    I just started Insanity and I can tell you that I definitely do not recommend this for beginners. Make sure you're already in decent shape before starting! It's not the thing you can modify to make it easier (like P90X).
  • p90xokc
    p90xokc Posts: 66
    I'm in decent shape, but definitely not an athlete. I bought p90x for the challenge. And I got way more than I bargained for. However I would reccommend going all out if your going to do p90x. I'm sure you can find used dvd's on craigs list but get as many bands as you can because you will get stronger as early as one week into it. I believe the mental and physical rewards are greater with p90x because you start to realize that you're getting through more of the workout. Just my opinion.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    P90X is worth every penny and if you are motivated then I would suggest P90x. I was a beginner and I am almost done now. I have had amazing results with it too :smile:
    Wow thanks to everyone for the great insite & ideas. I will definitly be doing the P90X fitness test this evening. And I had a friend who just let me borrow Gillian's 30 Day Shred, so that is where I will start.

    Thanks again!! Good luck to everyone on hitting their goals!!

    Just so you know I never passed the P90x fitness test but started it anyways. You can do anything if you put your mind to it :smile:
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    A little-known alternative between P90 & P90X is P90 Master Series. I've done P90 and I agree that toward the end of the 90 days, it was a bit monotonous for me. But, I finished and got pretty good results. I did not feel like I was ready for P90X so I went to P90 Master Series, which Tony, himself, calls a "natural progression" from P90. Instead of just two workouts (Sweat & Sculpt), there are additional workouts that are integrated into the schedule (Cardio Intervals, Core Cardio, Plyo Legs, UML) just like P90X. The workouts are still challenging, but not as intense as P90X. And, P90MS does not cost as much as P90X, I believe.

    I've just finished 30 days of P90MS and am enjoying the challenge and diversity of these routines (over P90).

    Good luck!
  • jolhor
    jolhor Posts: 6
    Also, if you don't want to shell out $150, go to QVC, they have the program for $125 and two payments, plus their return policy is awesome!
    I have P90X and I wouldn't say I was tip top shape going in, but I certainly wasn't a couch potato...I love it and I'm on day 30 today, getting ready to start Phase II. I've had no problems because there are ways to modify. There are some things I can't do, but as I get stronger, I'll be able to do them. It's well worth the money!
    CUNKNNK Posts: 10
    There is a group of friends/fans of a website that are all doing P90X together. One of the guys in our group is keeping a day by day blog of P90X. You can read and follow how it is going for him on the blog if you would like more info about what it puts you through. We are just average people / former athletes that are now out of shape. If we can all have success across the board, it seems like it works for just about anyone.


    I have been doing it for just over 3 weeks myself and have lost 15 pounds so far. I honestly haven't even totally committed to it (I am not doing the diet, rather just counting calories/carbs/protein here) and am still seeing great results. It is well worth the money and is easily adaptable so that anyone can do it.

    Good luck! You will love it if you choose to buy it.

    If you are going to buy it, buy it from Beachbody (the company that makes it) through the promo that Mike and Mike from ESPN are doing and there is even a 90 day money back guaranty. Here is the link:
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