Anyone else trying to move baby weight?

Poppit23 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, new to the site, only about 4 days in now, trying to lose 15kg (33lbs) of baby weight. My little girl is 6 months old. Anyone else struggle with the post-pregnancy bodies? Happy to accept any tips, and need lots of encouragement; have never been overweight before and it's a little daunting...


  • I'm working on loosing my baby weight as well. So far it's going great. I was about 10 pounds over weight pre-pregnancy and 40-50 after my follow up appt. (6 weeks) I literally started dieting and exercising that very same day. I've been working my butt off and It's not always easy with a newborn, but I've been at it for about 9 weeks and I've lost 16 pounds. It's easy once you get into it and feeling great is the best reward. Good luck. Don't do this alone mfp is here to keep you motivated and there is a world of knowledge on this site. :-)
  • Evolution
    Evolution Posts: 8
    I'm a breastfeeding mom. My lactation consultant told me not to focus on loosing the weight at first because I had several issues with nursing. But I am proud to say we made it through! In 1hour and 10minutes my little one will be 1 years old. She is my second child when I was so much younger (16 years ago) the weight feel off and I was back down to a size 7. So much has changed. I was 35lbs over weight pre-pregnancy in the process of loosing that weight. I didn't gain a lot of weight during my pregnancy only 15lbs and lost 7 of that quickly. I picked it back up in the last year plus an extra 10 pounds. URGH!!! :sick: I am so happy that I found mfp!!! It has really helped and I've lost 5lbs as of Friday.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I am working on losing the last of my baby weight as well. My son is 15 months old, and I have 10 lbs to lose... I am glad that you are getting on it now while your baby is little, instead of waiting around and being lazy like me! Best of luck to you!
  • Poppit23
    Poppit23 Posts: 9
    Thanks ladies, and well done on your weight loss so far! Nice to know there's more of us out there. I'm going back to work on Thursday (urgh!) but that means I can walk 25 mins x 2 per day on the way to work from the train station and back again. I have some home exercise videos that I've been doing a couple times a week; I can't afford a gym membership as we're on a budget and plus I know I'd never go. What kind of exercise have you been doing?
  • missmegs1908
    missmegs1908 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm trying to lose baby weight too! My little guy is 14 months and because I was traveling a lot for work before I got pregnant, - I had gained about 15 lbs before getting pregnant. So, I've got about 40 lbs to lose. I've been pretty lazy the past year but since I've started getting serious, I've lost 14 lbs in 5 weeks!
    Breastfeeding did NOTHING for helping me lose weight - I had heard so many people say it helped the weight to fall right off - of course that didn't happen to me!
    I've been doing P90X and eating healthy - keeping track of my food intake on here has been one of the biggest eye openers for me.
    I know it's hard - especially with a little one - I exercise at night after mine goes to bed which wouldn't be my first choice, but you do what ya gotta do :)

    Good luck!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Luckily I only gained 18 pounds during my pregnancy. I had my daughter on 8/28/08 and my weight was 264 on 8/31/08. I lost all my baby weight. :) However I gained after that. Guess that is the way my cookie crumbles lol. Good luck all, and congrats on the babies.
  • dgr8diva
    dgr8diva Posts: 3
    Me too! My son is 8 months old. Deep down I really don't think I look THAT bad (except when I take my clothes off lol) and that's been the biggest barrier to losing that extra weight. I relocated to the South from California, so my perception is a little hazy. People are accustomed to eating more "comfort" food down here so it is difficult to eat right when out or with family. I'd have no problem finding healthy options back home without feeling left out. I am 158 lbs (lost two lbs already!) and am looking to get down to 130.
  • My daughter is 8 weeks old now, and I am breast feeding thought that the weight would come off a little faster. I have lost NO weight after the intentional lose of water weight and baby. Very frustrating. So I started a boot camp class and have been walking hard. It stinks because I was thin before this child 140 and now am 190. I am 510 and still my bmi is considered over weight. My goal for now is 150. Just so I can get into my regular clothes. Plus I figure that is a good weight after two children
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I am! My first is 2 years old and I was about 20 pounds overweight when I got pregnant with her. Before I got pregnant again I lost all but about 5 lbs of the weight I gained with her (Making me 25 lbs over weight). My son is almost 4 months old and again I've lost all but 5 lbs of the weight I gained with him. So now I'm on a mission to lose all 30 lbs. I also work out after my 2 year old goes to bed. It isn't ideal but it makes it much easier on my husband to only have the baby to keep an eye on. I am not a morning person and I already have to get up at 5:40 in order to get both kids to the sitters before work.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am still trying to lose the weight from my last two kids :laugh:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi all :smile:

    The best advice I can offer to any one who has had a baby is you need to do pelvic tilts to bring the stomach muscles back together before doing any sit ups or crunches.
    Without doing these first you will never lose the baby belly. The muscles separate during pregnancy and they need to be brought back together before you can work on tightening them up.

    Luckily my hospital adviced I did these in a leaflet they gave out to all new mum's.
    Without this information I would have done what a lot of my new mum friends did and go straight into sit ups and do myself a lot of harm.
    One of my friends has damaged her abs really badly through pushing herself too hard too soon.

    This is a link that shows what I'm talking about and how to test if you need to do these. My guessing is you will :ohwell:

    This move brings the abs back together, works on the lower back and the bum, all key areas that I needed to work on after having my son. (Had terrible lower back pains for months after) These will help you in all these areas.
    You will need to do them everyday if you can remember and do as many as you can just don't over strain yourself, you will feel it working and be able to see and feel the muscles coming back together.
    This took me some months BUT it is SOOO WORTH it!!

    I found this the one piece of information that saved me from losing my figure, diet and exercise after this can be built up gradually and pretty normally but get these in first til you can feel your stomach muscles are back together all the way, the belly button will be the last bit to rejoin.

    Hope this is as helpful to all you mum's as it was to me.

    Mel :flowerforyou:
  • skruger
    skruger Posts: 1
    Hello! I joined this site for the same reason. I have two boys, 2 and 4 months, and boy did they stretch me out! This site is really great, and so easy to keep yourself accountable.
  • I too am trying to lose the baby weight, kinda. I had already lost all the 65 lbs I had gained with him, but since then I had gained back 20! I am so mad at myself! But if we all stick together on this we can reach our goals. So long as one person is motivated that day, the rest will follow. I have been running with my 22 month old now in a stroller, and its great together time talking about the things we see, but also it is peaceful, since I live in the country. I really love the site and how I can see how exercising is burning away the calories.
  • Nikz99
    Nikz99 Posts: 8
    I am still trying to lose baby weight and my yougest is 6!!! LOL
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    ditto!!!! let's do it! :drinker:
  • Hi I am new to the site too! I have a 3 year old, 2 year old and an 8 month old and a lot of weight to shift! I started in November at 15 st and at the beginning of June I was down to 12 st 02. Have had 2 weeks holiday and put some back on, probably 7 lbs, will weigh myself on Saturday. I run, cycle and do tummy exercises when the children are in bed aswell as all the general running and around and carrying required, I am still breastfeeding the baby but only 2/3 times a day.
    My first mini goal is to get back to my pre-holiday weight of 12 st 02, second mini goal is 11 st 07 (pre children weight), third mini goal is 10 st 07 (wedding day weight!) and then final goal is 10 stone.
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