

  • Absolutely you need to eat. Vege soup, with Chicken stock as a base. Nutritious, tasty and good for you. Get well soon.
  • A glass of water, the catch getting up in the night. I guess it depends what that 20 cals is made up of/what can you have? The other option is exercise to increase your calorie allowance, More choice that way, even 10 min would be a boost.
  • Kelly, everyone judges book by the cover. This should be about how you feel about you. Other peoples opinions if not positive will only hurt you and sabotage your efforts. Do this for you!
  • Honestly, there is alot of satisfaction in making your own, (and homecooked looks and tastes better) the portions are easily controlled if you take the time to measure and plan. BUT, everyone is different and things work better for some than others. I hate being told what to do, which is alot of my problem with weight. So,…
  • Hi Kelly Good luck with your plans. I've been trying since before I was 18 to lose weight. Now at 41 I've found this site and other tools, that are really helping. It's so much easier to plan and stay on plan with the info right in front of you. Well done so far and keep it up. Yana
  • Hi Julie, i'm the same. Love to keep you company on this trip. Yana