thinbride0004 Member


  • I am also 5'10 and currently I am 195. My goal weight is 155. There was a thread on here a while ago where women who were 5'10 or above posted their pictures at their goal weight and it was so eye opening for me. Some women looked awesome at 190, but other were like me, I am never going to be 190 pounds and healthy. Right…
  • Like anything, I would say that it is alright in moderation. Log it into your food tracker and that should help you to not drink too much. I wouldn't think of it as a 'healthy' option because it has a lot of other processed chemicals in it. Water is always best, but if diet soda helps you avoid higher calorie snacks than…
  • Yeah a chiropractor may be in my future, I'm still hoping that it will clear up by itself. I was told to stay as active as possible so I'm trying. The exercise ball is a great idea! I'm going to try that. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Ok so I have heard the same thing about if you don't eat more than 1200 calories, you will gain weight. It is true that if your body is not getting enough nutrients it will start to become unhealthy and 'hold on' to weight. Is 1200 calories the magic number for everyone? who knows (or at least I don't) ! But..... I know…
  • Thanks guys! It gives me motivation to just get over being a whimp and start running more here, after I pick up some serious running gear (Except when it is icy....I'm also glad to know that other people worry about this as well and that I shouldn't push it). I do miss the sense of accomplishment that I used to get with…
  • You could try a program. I did a modified version of the 'couch to 5K program'. Just do a google search and you can find free outlines of this program. And to be honest, it took a while for me to 'enjoy' running. I started doing it with a friend and it was something to look forward to because I got to be social but I did…