it is virtually impossible to overeat on the paleo diet .. I know that for sure, but it is all to easy to undereat. the paleo diet is more about health than anything else, so as long as you are getting all the vits and minerals you need from the the food you are eating then you are ok. eating too few carbs also dulls your…
Pay for the 1st date - but most girls I've seen don't like a guy that is a pushover. You should pay half and half, surely that's the fairest way!
i'm from good old england too :)
100g's a day usually ... maybe looking to reduce that a little bit though.
mine is my classic 220g of oats with about 250g of banana :) for about 1100 cals
sounds good everyone thanks!
I akways reccommend jojoba oil :)
because I already have like 5g of salt .. 100g fat and 50g fibre
I just want to increase my protein really without adding more salt, fat or fibre
maxxed out on fats 100g already i'm on a weight gain diet
i'm on a weight gain diet but at 100g of fat, do you not think that is a little too much?
at 100g of fat i must be close to maxxing out
i'm going for weightgain :) I am taking in 2966 so just looking to add something to take it over the 3000 cals mark :) But have maxed out on fat!
I already basically have 100g of fat - look at my diary everyone :)
maxed out on fat - all good fats .. almonds .. mackerel .. oats etc. thanks though
need some idead please guys :)
any other ideas
i'll have a look later thanks :)
problem is the best ones all contain whey, which is derrived from milk.
no artificial crap Whole foods - not manufactured. Almonds Fish (fresh) Veg Fruits
almonds RULE!!
I have a chocolate labrador! I leave him at home with my parents whilst I am away at uni and from what I have seen he is a massive mummy's boy lol :)
I have gained 10lbs recently and have a goal to gain a further 20lbs, The ONLY way to do it is healthily. Check my diary; 210g of oats and 2 bananas chopped in oats for brekkie - gives around 1000 cals. mackerel sandwiches gives a further 670 chicken and veg gives a further 500 almonds give a further 500 rice and chicken…
I am a male - 5'10 - Currently weight 140lbs and deadlift 120lbs.
I'm trying to gain too. Done okish so far .. gained 5lbs in 3 weeks.
I'm gaining weight too :) 5lbs in 3 weeks so far. Still need to gain another 12lbs.