

  • Yeah, I have one, too and it is always higher than the estimates provided by sites like MFP. Sites like this use a few bits of data about you and a formula to come up with an estimate. It is a fairly accurate estimate but it is still an estimate. The Bodybugg or Bodymedia, whatever they are calling it now, takes those same…
  • I have a crop of virtual corn that died while I was reading this thread.... :ohwell:
  • This reminds me of my question about wearing jeans at the gym. If that's what I am comfortable working out in, what difference does it make? To the original poster's point, I would probably never wear black "dress" socks with shorts at the gym but again, if that's what someone is comfortable with...
  • I’m resurrecting this thread. I don’t understand why I can’t wear jeans at the gym. Not that I do, I always wear sweat pants and a t-shirt but I really don’t get why jeans are against the rules. I went to my mechanic over the weekend and he told me it was going to be about an hour before he was ready for me so I decided to…
  • I also use the measurement method for the Army/Navy for the reasons I mentioned before. However, one of the most accurate methods available now is the Bod Pod test (www.bodpod.com). You go sit in an egg-shaped thingy and it gives you all sorts of feedback on your body composition, including body fat percentage. And the…
  • Just to throw a guy's opinion in here — I personally set my goal weight -body fat based on the height-weight-body fat standards for the Army. Am I in the Army, you may ask. No. No, I am not. But I would like to be and that is why I use that chart. A quick Google search will return a few pages that have the chart if you are…
  • I own a Bodybugg and it is pretty awesome. It tracks the calories I burn from all activity whether it's walking on the treadmill, lifting weights, or carrying groceries in from the car. I have also done the math (me = nerd) with my total burned vs. total consumed compared to the weight I lost for the week and the thing is…
  • This is something I have given a lot of thought to myself. I don't think I would personally be comfortable with dividing my projected exercise calories over the whole week. Anything can happen in a week and if something happened that prevented me from exercising as much as I projected then the calories are off. However, I…