

  • I am 5'11" my husband is 6'2" when I wear heels I am a little taller, it doesn't bother him at all. So long as tall women walk tall and proud, I don't think there is a problem, I hate seeing women slouching! My best friend is 6' we both wear heels when we go out, we have never had a problem from the guys, even those less…
  • Oh sweetheart, it sounds like you have had a lot to contend with, I would say it was jealousy... but that is no excuse for her bad behaviour! When I was a child I was told I was the ugly one, the fat one, the naughty one... it wasn't until I grew up and was asked to model for a commission in British Vogue - that I realised…
  • I have a ton to lose! Add me if you need daily encouragement! <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a…
  • Hi, I need all the help and support I can get and I'm also good at supporting and encouraging others! I eat healthy food on the whole - but I eat when stressed, sad, happy, bored... I just love food, and am always hungry! I have cut out bread and doing a low carb diet, which is really hard when my husband is roasting chips…
  • I was on a restricted diet as a child, told I was hyperactive and fat... I was actually excruciatingly thin. I think when you have been denied food as a child you do crave it more as you get older. How about telling yourself it is ok, it is there for you if you want it, remove the restrictions and the word 'diet' - I still…