

  • I only weigh once every few weeks, cuz that rollercoaster that your body does every day makes me INSANE. My personal trainer gave me a good tip for daily weigh ins though. she said if i were going to weigh in daily, that i should write it down every day and then take the average at the end of the week as my real weight.…
  • Hey Guys, I'm Deedee. I like the idea of not weighing more than twice a month. I was going to do it once a month, but couldn't resist weighing in this morning. It was a pleasant surprise to see that I had lost 5 pounds since the last time I weighed! If I weigh more often than this, I tend to obsess too much about the…
  • I travel a LOT with work so I know exactly how you feel. I often don't have time for anything but fast food when i'm racing for the airport or trying to find my hotel. What I have been trying to do is order what I want, and then only eat half of it. When I go to sit down restaraunts, I split my plate in half before I start…
  • I think this is so true. I have finally cut myself some slack. If I "mess up" once in a while then so be it. It took me many years of bad habits to get where I am, and I'm not going to change that all over night. I'm noticing that if I don't stress about it, I don't eat as much, but if I stress about how much I do or don't…
  • oops... hit the post button twice. :0} Deedee
  • Mollie, I know just how you feel. I tend to eat more at night too. I do pretty well during the day when I am busy with work, but evenings always seem to tempt me to eat more. Not sure why. I'm just trying to be patient with myself as I change habits that will hopefully last for a lifetime. Every step in the right direction…