hey im new to myfitnesspal

heya everyone..iv bin dieting for 12 days now. not plannin on weighing myself again until 2 more weeks.. im just writin on here as i would like to make some friends and find out how they plan on losing the weight and also c their progress..please add me :)


  • jessicabrowning
    hey. i just started on here yesterday, and so far i really like keeping track of everything i'm eating.. realizing how bad some of the stuff really was. but i'm not quite sure how often i should weigh in?..once a week or once every two weeks??
  • marazzi4
    marazzi4 Posts: 3
    2 weeks would be better.. and probably more reliable.. u could have a bad week one week then a good week another week.. im doin it every 2 weeks, that way wen u do weigh yourself and notice how much u have lost, u feel so much better :)
  • jessicabrowning
    good idea..it's hard dieting by myself too. i'm trying to get my mom to be my "chubby buddy" but she's not that motivated..
  • CeliaScardino
    hey i started on here yesterday and im really liking it. all the people seem really supportive. i'm going to weigh in once a week weight watchers style for my own personal gain but two seems great too. good luck & maybe we can keep in contact and motivate each other =]

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  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Hi! I just signed up today. I completely agree with tracking what I'm eating. I can't believe how many calories I was actually taking in each day! In the past when I would go on diets I would weigh in once a month just because it was so nice to see that -10 pounds or -12 pounds each time but this time I don't know how often I'll be weighing in...probably every two to three weeks.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    oh man the great scale LOL, i can't weigh often cause i get so down if i don't see progress. So if i weigh only once a month and only see a 4 or 5 lb loss, i am happy to see those numbers and don't think about how long it took me to lose those. If i weigh weekly or every two weeks and see a 1 lb loss or no loss at all i tend to get some real stinking thinking going on and figure whats the use, so for me once a month is it. My Dr. also agrees with this as far as i go as she has seen me up and down for so long i think she is as sick of it as i am. I am here to stay today. Wish you well on your journey!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jessicabrowning
    i hope you do great with it. i really like it so far. i guess i'll find out how much i like it on my weigh in day..and YESS! motivation and support would definately help.
  • melissa987
    I have been on here for a while. I have just got back from vacation and completely fell off the wagon. I am excited to get back on track. This site is great motivation.

    I usually weigh myself every saturday. that way it motivates me to stay on my diet over the weekend (which is always so hard)

    I am a matron of honor in a wedding in 3 weeks. I would love to lose some weight before that.

    Good luck Girls!!! We can do it!!!
  • jessicabrowning
    good luck to you too melissa. and weighing in on saturday may be what i am going to do.. because i tend to go out to eat and do a whole lot of nothing on the weekends.. so thanks for the advice!!
  • karebear32505
    karebear32505 Posts: 47 Member
    Sometimes it helps to weigh in on a monday or tuesday! that keeps you good Over the weekend! b/c if you see a loss saturday morning, u might say you could have that extra drink or candy bar! I weigh in on tuesday mornings! :-) weekly also, b/c it keeps you going! Good luck to all of you! I am here for support if anyone needs it! i sure know i do!
  • itslovelly
    Hey Guys, I'm Deedee. I like the idea of not weighing more than twice a month. I was going to do it once a month, but couldn't resist weighing in this morning. It was a pleasant surprise to see that I had lost 5 pounds since the last time I weighed!

    If I weigh more often than this, I tend to obsess too much about the weight, especially if I don't see weight loss.

    My fitness plan includes exercising 3 times a week. I also try to stop eating when I first start feeling full, instead of waiting until I can't breathe. I also have hired a personal trainer who is helping me choose more healthy foods.

    I'm excited about the changes I'm seeing already.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I could use all the support I can get!!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    So I just got back from walmart...my loathsome enemy! But I'm proud of myself. I bought 1% milk...normally I buy 2% so there's a small change. and I bought a TON of fresh fruit to have as snacks and for lunches. :) I also bought some shelled edemame. I looooove cooking it then chilling small amounts in different ziplock baggies with just a pinch of salt and just keeping them in the fridge. It's so easy to just grab a little baggie and throw it in your bag for a snack later...