
  • I have been basically doing this for weeks with no effect
  • I'm so sorry you have this problem. I have been up and down all my life but generally my budget was what you might call "a clothes budget". However, I have found stretchy tunics and leggings or stretch pants to be fantastic, particularly for losing weight. (The can get a bit clingy when I put it on again.) The "jersey"…
  • In real terms it should read 8 cups of liquid. Any more than 2 litres of liquid a day can be harmful. That includes tea, coffee and drinks like coca cola/lemonade. Other than coffee/tea I only drink water. I add a squeeze of lime or lemon (e.g. Berri 99% lemon juice) to the water....makes it tasty.
  • 1200 is okay for a short time, but not to retain a healthy lifestyle. Try your 1500 and see how you go; with the children you may need more.
  • Thanks Keran...although I have no health issues...your advice is sound
  • :smile: Thanks everyone. I am going to Curves and they have said I should be on a protein diet...would that because they're exercising is based on "muscle building"? I agree that some carbs are good; e.g. nuts and fruit - plus I love my fruit. Perhaps I'll see how I go and adjust if necessary... thanks for your advice and…