I can't be the only one...

First, I will start with the fact that I am thrilled that I've lost about 30lbs from my highest weight. I know not everyone has this success, and I am in no way taking it for granted.

But I'm frustrated.

I'm both ecstatic and infuriated that none of my clothes fit. I live on a very tight budget, so I can't really afford to be buying new clothes constantly, even it if is $12.99 slacks from Ross. I work in marketing and business development, so I have to look nice a lot of the time. Instead of Business Development Manager, I feel like a Business Development Hobo.

I can't wear my rings. If I do, they flip around and jab the insides of my fingers while I type, and if my hands are cold, they shrink even more.

For Black Friday, I got a bike. It was finally cheap enough that I could squeeze it out of the budget, so I'm only going to keep getting smaller. I also bought a pair of jeans that fit.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I've always believed that you should dress to your figure. I've never been one to wear baggy or over-sized styles- that just makes the person look 10lbs heavier than they actually are. At this point, I'm forced to though, and while I don't care what other people think, I find myself frustrated at the thought of people seeing me and deducing that I'm trying to hide my body when all I want is to show it off.

I can't be the only person who hits this frustration- my solutions so far have been buying more dresses, since those generall work over a larger span of sizes than pants and tops, but I'm at a loss for anything else.

I feel like people will just tell me to shut up and be happy I'm losing weight at all, and like I said, I'm THRILLED to be, but for me I can't figure out how to enjoy the ride.


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I also live on a terribly strict budget, every dollar stretches to it's limit. I 'hide' $20 from myself for a month and if after that month it doesn't need to be spent, it's saved for new clothes when I shrink out of the ones I have. I do that every month.

    Congrats on your loss!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    yeah I am dealing with the clothing issue - my money isn't quite as tight as yours sounds but I can't possibly be buying new clothes every time mine get a bit big, especially when I'm only going to get a few months use out of them.

    Best I can offer you is to check clearance racks religiously (but don't go too far out of your way, don't want to waste gas!). If you stop and dig through the clearance racks at places like target and kohls you can get great deals but it may be a while before you find your size and something you like.

    Ross and TJ maxx have sale racks too - again pretty hard to get lucky there but I've done it before.

    Otherwise megz had a good suggestion - set aside a tiny bit every month even if it won't buy anthing yet. Save it as long as you can. And do like me and live in VERY few clothes - I have two very bland basic pairs of work slacks and a couple shirts and I just rotate everything. I don't care if my coworkers notice I wear the same thing constantly, and if you stick to plain fabrics and cuts its not really obvious anyway because its not memorable.

    You'll want anything extra you can save to build a fabulous wardrobe when you reach your goal weight!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    i'm right there with you clothes wise...i am a broke college kid and it's so frustrating to have to keep pulling my damn pants up (even with a belt) whenever i walk to class....totally feel like a dork!!!

    congrats on your loss! hopefully we can both get new clothes!! :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    try thrift stores... goodwill, value village, etc. ive found really nice slacks and stuff there for cheap. last time i went i got 3 shirts, and 4 pants for like $30
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    Thrift stores are wonderful options for the in between times. Many have brand new clothes and they won't break the bank on your downward journey to the final wardrobe.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I don't have to do anything public. i work in a kitchen. But I wear all my old clothes but with safety pins and some hand sewn fixing. I randomly get old clothes from co-workers. old fashioned clothes but still Free. My Mom gave me a bra for Christmas.
  • saraannefrazer
    saraannefrazer Posts: 66 Member
    op-shop! you can find amazing pieces for work for very little if you look hard enough
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I LOVE when my clothes get big! My solution however is, I search thrift stores for clothes (in particular pants) that are too small but seem like they will fit eventually. Works for me! I have several JCrew, Gap, Levi's, Ann Taylor's waiting for me :) Also motivates me to keep trying them on and when they finally fit-it's an amazing feeling!
    I'm so sorry you have this problem. I have been up and down all my life but generally my budget was what you might call "a clothes budget". However, I have found stretchy tunics and leggings or stretch pants to be fantastic, particularly for losing weight. (The can get a bit clingy when I put it on again.) The "jersey" tunics hang beautifully as you lose more and more weight and of course the stretchy pants, no longer have to stretch. Also sleeveless tunics are fantastic for summer and winter .... just add a t/shirt (long or short sleeves, depending on the weather) or a vest or long line cardigan. Very functional. Hope this helps ... and best wishes in your continual weight loss. Wish I could say I've lost 30 lbs lol

    Go with HartJames .... thrift shops are fantastic as well.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Well for nice pants, you can try getting them altered? Sometimes that can be cheaper than buying a new pair, especially if you spent a lot of money on them in the first place!

    Belts? When my clothes started getting a bit big, it was when all those cinchy waisty belt things were coming into style, so I got more use out of my larger sweaters/tops by combining those with them.

    Borrow? I also have the luxury of having a friend who is a clothes horse :D. She let's me borrow whenever I want, and I just return it cleaned and in the exact condition I found it!

    Not sure that any of these will help, and I can certainly sympathize!
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I second the thrift stores/op shops. I scored two pairs of jeans today for...7$. One was 5, the other 2. I expect to get into a new size before these get close to being worn out.
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    I have to agree with the Thrift stores. My budget is pretty tight and I can't justify spending much on clothing that will HOPEFULLY be too big before too long. I went to my local value village for the first time scored a new pair of work pants and a belt for $8! Which is great considering my belts are barely holding my pants up anymore. I mean I'm proud of my progress but I don't want to show that much. Grats and gl.
  • trilikeagirl
    ebay is our friend when we know exactly what we are looking for! Love the thrift stores too.
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    What has worked for me is to buy pants with a stretchy waistband (no they don't look like nanna pants) :tongue: and then when I lose more weight I can cut into the waistband and tighten the elastic. Stetchy material bags less too. Also have sewn in the sides on tops - works best on sleeveless.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    try thrift stores... goodwill, value village, etc. ive found really nice slacks and stuff there for cheap. last time i went i got 3 shirts, and 4 pants for like $30

    I have a strict policy of only going as expensive as Ross- and I live by their clearance. I actually worked at Ross for about a year when I was younger, so I understand when people say they can't stand shopping there- they're usually a mess.

    I've never really had any luck with clothing at thrift stores though- they're all grouped by color and clothing type in my area and even as an EXPERT budget shopper, I don't have the patience to weed through every single rack just hoping to find something in my size.

    I've heard other people talk about plus size clothing swaps, and I think that would be AMAZING- but I have no idea where any are in my area (San Francisco/East Bay area) and I really don't have the time to schedule and coordinate one. Anyone with any links would be a lifesaver!
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    op-shop! you can find amazing pieces for work for very little if you look hard enough

  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I would hit thrift stores and take your clothes that are too big and try a consignment store with them. that way you can reinvestment the money from them back into smaler sizes.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Thrift shops and consignment shops are my friends. Elastic, however, is not my friend.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    check the clearance racks, shop the outlets, shop secondhand stores, and get your clothes altered! I do lots of clearance racks -- even better when I hit a good one at the outlets! Nothing like < $4 shirts, lol.

    This has been my biggest, frustrating, most irritating NSV's since I started losing weight, and I complain about it constantly :grumble: