Hey there when I saw your post I had to stop because Im dealing with the same thing. I work 10pm to 6am with 12 hour shifts atleast 1-2x a week. What I have found helpful was when I wrote out my day and ate accordingly. I stop trying to fit my eating schedule in exactly with my familes becasue we were on 2 different…
Birmingham, Alabama
I would like in my start weight is 283!!!! I would like to be at 273!! by Christmas and I will!!
Hi guys I have been on here for almost 2 months and wanted to come on and introduce myself. For me this is a lifestyle change. Im not taking any diet pills or any type of weight loss pills. It's just hard work and determination. I have for too long looked atmyself and wanted better and out of fustration I ate and ate and…
You look great!! Keep up the awesome work! WAR ON THE fat!! This is our year of victory through warfare.
I love this note of encouragement! It was great for me to read. I have Declared war on the fat! and Victory over my health. I would be glad to stay in the loop with you so that we may be helpers to one anther! I'm going to set some mini goals for myself. Thanks for post!!