Im new!

Hi there, i have never had support while losing weight and have never kept it off. So, im hoping that was my problem, so im taking this approach! :) Im 23 and have a 19 month old boy and a 13 week old girl. So its REALLY hard to eat well and excercise! Any motivation and encouragement will help! I am very competitive and visual so before and after photos would be great! I am not sure how much i want to lose.... I just want to stop when i like whats in the mirror. Thanks for reading guys! :)


  • Hi, I'm PJ. I can relate to the ages of your kids - mine are grown, but they are 17 months apart.

    There is no magic to this. Journaling what you eat in the food tracker is very helpful. Portion control is important, as is eating every 3-4 hours. Beyond that, running around after your kids is fabulous exercise.

    Good luck!!
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    This is a great place for support and motivation. Welcome!
  • nikolesb
    Thanks guys, they do keep me going all the time! Ive been really good with keeping my food diary on my phone up to date and 6 days a week i go on the treadmill once they are asleep. I just cant wait till my baby is old enough for me to leave her with my partner and go to the gym!
  • celine12345
    celine12345 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello ,and welcome .
    I have three children , and few years ago i was like you .
    I had no time for myself. and was 70 kg . as the 2 big children grew up i had time for myself and weight 55kg but recently, the third baby was born.and back to 70kg
    and once again couldn't look after myself , but i said i don't want to be heavy like i was few years ago,
    looking after the children it is very hard because you put yourself at last., so i said ENOUGH.
    i bought few thing that make me exercise at home .
    and now .....
    when the baby is asleep, I do 15 min home bicycle , I bought a wii fit and I exercise 30 min. 3 time a weeks because Csection doesn't help with the pain.
    and As there no noise in the house the baby sleep and I exercise.
    that a bit of magic.
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello and welcome
    I'm only on day 3 here - so I'm a newbie too! Finding it all very simple and supportive! F x
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    I can totally relate to the not having time.

    I am a father of twins who are 4 years old. Time is definatly the premium.

    I managed to work out twice a week at the gym thanks to my lovely wife taking excellent care of the girls and giving me those couple of hours. It lasted 2 months and then stopped. But that is due to injury.

    Back problems and now thats sorted I have bruised both legs after dropping a very heavy TV at the weekend.

    But it has not stopped me journalling my food and taking care of what I eat. That alone has meant I have lost 5 kilo's (About 10 pounds) in 3 months.

    And even then I am still eating too many take aways. The support here is fantastic and has helped me continue losing weight even with what little time I have. All be it slower than I would like. But I hope that will mean it stays off.

    Add me as a friend if you would like.

    Good Luck. I am sure you will get to where you want to be and maintain it :o)
  • seedndground
    seedndground Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys I have been on here for almost 2 months and wanted to come on and introduce myself. For me this is a lifestyle change. Im not taking any diet pills or any type of weight loss pills. It's just hard work and determination. I have for too long looked atmyself and wanted better and out of fustration I ate and ate and ate...But now I have declared WAR ON THE fat!! VICTORY OVER MY HEALTH!! and that is what im most proud of. making the choice to change and sticking to it!! I welcome all new friends and words of encouragment.:wink: