hesn92 Member


  • Butter and animal fat > everything else lol I also use EVOO and avocado oil. I try not to listen to all the noise. "the experts" are always changing their mind and trying to demonize something.
  • Running is terrible
  • Does anyone grow lettuce in the heat of summer? I know they don't like heat, but I've seen people do it. I planted them in a corner and behind some bigger plants so hopefully they will be shaded, I dont know what I'm doing.
    in Garden thread Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • Are you counting your calories currently? If so, I would aim for a small deficit at first (maybe 200 calories to start) and work your way up to make sure what you're doing isn't affecting your milk supply. Nourishing your body and having a good supply for your baby is your first priority, not weight loss. Drink plenty of…
  • It sounds like you are doing the right things, 7lbs in 4 weeks is quite fast. Keep doing what you're doing
  • I used to every day but I've been gaining quite a bit of weight over the last several months and it's causing me stress :D I'm buckling back down on MFP and I will probably weigh myself once a week or so.
  • Yikes, hearing all this stuff about phentermine. I knew it was probably not great but didn't know it was that bad. My coworker uses it :# And she's had some heart issues within the last year or so so that worries me. I wish she wouldn't but she's desperate! I've tried to get her onto MFP but it didn't seem to work for her
  • I always meal prep on sundays so I have a good lunch every day. This week I did burritos. On Sunday all I had to do was brown some ground beef and season it (I also added onion and bell pepper for extra veg but you don't have to). and then each day I just had to spoon some of that into a tortilla with some cheese and pinto…
  • I eat red meat multiple times a week, it's very nutrient dense. but good luck. if you're interested, you should check out sustainable dish, run by a RD who educates about how red meat is good for us and is not bad for the environment like a lot of people say it is.
    in Red meat Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • The best way IMO is to make meals that you can portion out each piece of the meal individually... so like, a protein, a starch and a veg. You can just eat more of the veg and less of the starch than say, your husband or whoever needs to be eating more calories. I find that works better than making meals that are all in one…
  • I like to cut up salmon into little cubes, add oil and seasoning, and air fry them like that. They come out so good. Little salmon bites.
    in Air Fryer Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • You can also do breaded chicken cutlets for a lower calorie version. Just spray it with oil spray. Use it for chicken parm or whatever.
    in Air Fryer Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • chicken thighs come out sooo good in the air fryer. Recently I marinated mine in chipotle in adobo sauce (plus some oil and more seasoning) and then air fried them... so juicy and yummy. I used that for burrito bowls.
    in Air Fryer Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • I would just buy a peach flavored syrup and use that. And maybe add some coconut milk. Yum.
    in Tea thread Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • I drink a ginger/turmeric tea with honey every day. It's the good earth brand, I love it. I've also been into making a big pot of hibiscus tea, and drinking it iced with a little bit of white grape juice for sweetness. The hibiscus tea blend I buy also has lemongrass and licorice root.
    in Tea thread Comment by hesn92 May 2022
  • I make a sourdough "pancake" for breakfast (just straight up sourdough starter poured in a hot pan) and 2 eggs. orange juice, coffee, and some shredded carrot salad. I don't know why I feel the need to have so many different things :D
  • No, I like breakfast. I feel it's best to fuel my body with a filling nutritious meal to start my day.
  • stir fry can be a fast meal if you use a bag of frozen veggies. I have a hard time finding a bag that I like because they usually always have weird stuff that I don't like, like water chestnuts LOL. spaghetti is obv very fast. tacos with ground beef. I like to make guacamole and salsa but I'm usually done with those by the…
  • not a food, but aldi's pineapple juice lol. I drink that with a little coconut milk. It's a nice little tropical drink
  • I'm in my 30's and having the same issue. Seems like losing weight was always so much easier when I was younger. I went back and looked at my MFP log from back then (2012ish) and I was eating so much less than I am now. (1500-1600 calories) No wonder I was thin. I don't know, I guess I just get hungrier as I get older??…
  • agreed. I can't stand it.
  • I would say a new workout outfit, shoes, or some type of gear would be a good reward. But that wouldn't work as an ongoing reward, more of just a one time thing. If you want a weekly reward, maybe a massage, pedicure, tanning, or something like that? I don't know, most of that stuff is too expensive for me lol. the reward…
  • beans, and eating plenty of veg and fruits
  • Less than once a week. Maybe once a month. I like chick-fil-a and culvers for fast food. If we eat out, we usually go somewhere with better quality food though.
  • track nutrition I guess? I don't know how to really answer. I'm trying to lose weight now, and my method is just to stick with my main meals, focus on eating a lot of low-calorie foods like vegetables, and keep my snacking under control/stop grazing throughout the day. I log my food on an inconsistent basis and that is…
  • coconut milk
  • I would say just leave the onions and peppers out if you don't like them. And yeah, onion powder is probably a good option to add some of the flavor back in. you will likely find onion in almost every recipe, it's a staple ingredient. I think the crock pot is a good option for big cuts of meat, like you could do a pot…
  • I don't see anything wrong with white rice, potatoes, ground beef, dairy... I have a teenaged son (along with a husband and 2 younger boys) and basically he is on his own for breakfast, lunch and snacks, and I cook dinner at night for everyone. I just buy the things he likes to eat for lunch/breakfast/snacks etc. and they…
  • B- sourdough pancake and a fried egg. Coffee w/ milk, sugar, and collagen powder L- grain bowl with kale, quinoa, chickpeas, sweet potato, and pickled onion. With a sauce. Also some shredded apple and carrot salad. S- Banana and blueberries D- Chicken and bacon quesadilla with some guacamole and a chocolate chip cookie for…
  • It's a new habit that you have to work on getting into, like any new habits it takes some effort. IMO the key is to make it as easy as possible and build upon it from there. There are meals that you can throw together faster than you could drive to the restaurant and bring it back home. Get a bag of salad mix and a…