I saw a friend on my facebook use the 21 day fix for her tummy. She said the food portioning really helped her.
What are everyone's weight loss goals? Or goals in general? I want to lose about 70 pounds
I lost track of these message boards but I would love to be friends with all of y'all. Add me and message me :) or if Facebook is easier let me know
Please don't feel like I am trying to sell you something. I am just being honest. But my brother in law drinks Shakeology and hasn't had any major flare ups since drinking it. It has helped him lose some weight (but he's not trying to lose). He also has pancreatitis and liver sclerosis (party days did a number on him). It…
I drink Shakeology daily. I love it. You can mix and match it with nearly anything so you don't get bored with it. I'm always running late and it's easy for me to fix a shake and run to work
I too know what I need to do but can't find the motivation. I need to lose about 60 lbs. I'm 211, my son is now 8 months old so he isn't my excuse. I am starting Insanity today. Let's see how this goes
add me!
Try having your thyroid levels checked. Also, reevaluate your eating. I thought I was eating clean until I realized my portion controlling was way off and I was actually eating too little calories!!!!
Ab intervals is the hardest for me because since I do have a lot of belly fat, I can't do some of the things they do. But I'm getting stronger! I am having a make up day today and finishing week 2 tomorrow, the. Week 2's stats on Monday!
I bought the gamma phase too, so 13 more weeks for me! :)
Lost 5.5 inches :) 2 in the waist, 1.5 in the chest, 1.5 in my thighs, and .5 in my right arm :)
Oh it's a home workout, not a class. And that's another reason why I love it! I don't want everyone else watching me!
I'm on my 3rd week of Les Mills Combat and I love it :D
But while you're burning less with your workouts, you are burning more the during the day. As you build muscles with the workouts, it boosts your metabolism throughout the day
Well, the longest workout I had when I had posted was 30 minutes, I'm burnring more now with the longer workouts :) the longest is 45 mins. But I'm also doing Body Beast :) I have the polar ft7 and I love it.
I gpt my polar ft7 for 80 and it was $140 at academy sports
that's what my heart rate monitor said :/ I sure hope i burned more, but I'm just going by what it said :(
I can give you a link to it :)
I'm very aware of that. Didn't think I needed to write down what I'm eating for food for the next 8 months :) I've lost the weight before, just had a kid, so have to lose it again.
I'm a senior in college and it is SO HARD to get people to workout with me. Everyone just wants to party and be lazy... There's several I know that have packed on quite a bit of weight and don't realize it I guess... If you want in on the challenge group, that's fine too :) I just need people to help me just as much as I…
I'm looking to lose about 80 pounds. I have lost 33 since I had my son in June, but my goal weight is 140. I'm starting Focus T25 tomorrow and Body Beast with my husband on Saturday. I got good deals on both workouts and shakeology, which is supposed to help with weight loss too.. I live in Arkansas and I'm a full-time…
I quit coaching about a year ago because everywhere I turned, it was people trying to get me to buy this/buy that. Nobody would "help," I found my new coach family and they spoke to me for about 6 months before I ever even signed up for a TBB account again. The greedy people really have ruined the coaching fun.
Honestly, buy a tape measure... Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, too.. I always measured inches, not lbs because a 140 lb person who is solid muscle is quit a bit smaller than a 140 lb person who isn't in shape... A lot of people do gain weight with Insanity, but you will lose a ton of inches. I'm doing focus…
Actually, Gamma burns the most fat!! You can do it after phase 1 and 2, or they send a package where you can do just the Gamma phase, (but I would suggest warming up to it with Alpha andBeta)
Hey :) I'm Ariel, I'm a 21 year old college senior, married, and had my first baby boy in June. I'm also a Beachbody Coach and need motivation losing baby weight before graduation in May! Anyone feel free to add me, we can do this!
My husband was in a carwreck and paralyzed from the thighs down.. He lifts weights still, and in September we are starting Body Beast (minus the leg workouts). His doctor told him not to lift more than 10 lbs since he would have to lift with his back (his back was broken in 3 places), but if he lays on his back or lifts…
It shows that you've lost 25 lbs already and have 55 to lose, so that's 80, just like me :) Hopefully we can keep in touch and stay accountable on here and facebook :) I've never done any workouts with Chalene, but everyone says she is the best for girls. :)
I'm thinking about doing week 1 over, so I may be "starting" with you :)
Those are great results! I had a crazy week so I haven't taken my measurements yet. I'm doing day 5 tonight, then in the morning I will take week 1 measurements before I begin week 2