MamaGLUe Member


  • So I had a traumatic childhood and I've been using overeating for a long time as a way to cope. My dad is an over eater and my sister is bulimic so there's a family component to this too. I could have written the post above about doing well in the morning and lunch and then losing it altogether at night. I hate hate hate…
  • I just had a chance to read the articles suggested by mikebyron and cramernh in this thread. Thank you! Very informative. The image of sugarresponse putting a scrub brush to my arteries will stick with me and help me resist temptation. Jules Rules I think you should have no worries for your husband. Personally I have had…
  • Check out Gary Taubes ' blog- he's been eating that way for years and his blood work is amazing. It's counter to what we've been taught but it's really ok to eat a lot of meat
  • Check out Gary Taubes ' blog- he's been eating that way for years and his blood work is amazing. It's counter to what we've been taught but it's really ok to eat a lot of meat
  • Give it a try and see what happens! When I've made them, I tip the mug upside down right away and it slides out no problem. Then I fill the mug with water to presoaks because mim batter is quite sticky I find that a smallish coffee mug gives it more of a muffin look because the batter does rise enough to come over the top…
  • The kids and my sweetie and I are going to make cookies tonight. They are ages 3 and 7 now so we'd better get these fun family celebrations in now before the teen years hit!!!! I'm not going to eat the sweets but it will be fun decorating. My girl and I have a night away planned ihn March. That will be our Valentines!!
  • .. your coworkers say "wow you always have such healthy lunches, so many veggies" until you mention you're doing Atkins and then they tell you how unhealthy that is
  • CONGRATULATIONS! !!! on the amazing results! I'd say move slow and work with that doc! Also know that if you need to stay at the low end on carb, there are some great recipes to substitute for those foods you miss. And congrats again for managing the diabetes so well that is fantastic.!!
  • My two cents: plan to indulge! That way you can be thoughtful ahead of time re how much and when you'll go off your plan. For example you could decide to stay on plan during the days but plan to have something special at two of your dinners out Eat some protein before you go to the restaurant so you're not making decisions…
  • That's awesome! It's always great when someone join.s the queer team at work. I'm a lesbian with a longtime partner and kids, so lots of of opportunities to be out. As long as I present myself confidently, I've always had decent experience with coworkers. The saddest strangest coming out at work I had was about 5yrs ago.…
  • Yum! Thanks for all the great ideas!
  • Hello everyone! So glad to be here! I've learned a lot from your posts- thank you! Real Name: Gretchen Height: 5'5" (almost) HW: 220 CW: 179 GW: 165 UGW: 138 Location- Minneapolis, MN Age: 39 Sex: F My lesbian partner and I have been together for 14 years, married for ten. We have two children, a seven year old boy and a…
  • Wow, that's amazing!! Since you're working with an endocrinologist and dietician, I think that obviously you have to go with their opinions first. Maybe it's ok that you're not hungry right now. Listening to your body is great and it's normal to have hungry days and not so hungry days. It could also be from the the…
  • [/quote] Just because i'm aware you dont want to stall any healthy weightloss and also seek optimal health iw anted to warn you against fake sweetners: "Splenda/sucralose kills your friendly bacteria!! What this means is our immune system is compromised!!! 75% of the immune system is in your intestines and this bacteria is…
  • I am with you guys - last January I started low carb and managed to lose 16 lbs by July. Then my mom was seriously ill this summer, we moved to a new house, I've had some big job stress, all kinds of distractions. So it's January again and I"ve put about half that weight right back on! And I totally dropped out of the low…
  • Hi there my partner and I are proud moms of a 7yr old boy and 3 year old girl. I love the commenter willing to trade their gay parents - funny!!! I have PCOS and am working my way into low carb dieting. Friend me if you are a low carved - I would love your support!
  • Top 3 things- 1) you really are doing your body a hugegreat favor by avoiding sugars and starches that spike your insulin. Your body "wants" to eat up the junk clogging your arteries and making you fat. Get rid of the insulin spikes by cutting the carbs and it will do just that. I think of low carb as getting out of my…
  • How low carb are you going? Atkins recommends salty broth during induction because you don't retain as much sodium when insulins low. This can lower blood pressure a bit too much.
  • Thanks so much for the advice and information - I got my PCP to give me a referral to an endocrinologist. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist in a couple of weeks. I'm really motivated to find out more about what I can do to prevent diabetes, heart disease, etc.. down the road! CaraBeara1 - My primary care doc…
  • Darn I hate spell check on this phone! Meant to say low carb of course
  • Hi, if you're looking for more on the science of low carbon I'd highly recommend "why we get fat" by Gary Taubes. If you don't want to invest in the book you can find articles and a blog by him on the web. Interesting stuff!
  • Hi waffle crumbs I love your name! Have you ever read How we get fat by Gary Taubes? I found it to be such an inspiring read. DefiniLo carbon approach so not for everyone but it's made a big difference for me and my sisourneyter. Take care and good luck on your j