

  • Huh I have not see this yet. Guess I better leave my cave more often! I would love to try this but really not good to put to much belief in something that is a quick fix. I would see this as more of a jump start to a long term lifestyle change. Man she is in such great shape, and to think she was a fat kid!
  • Wow this sounds amazing and easy. I can't wait to try it. I love to cook and so here is my blog about some food topics at Thanks for this recipe and you should post more.
  • "You have a 30 year mortgage, a 5 year car lease, and a lifetime gym membership...but your afraid of commitment?"
  • I do a running blog and have found that the running shoes you choose will make a big difference in the way you run. If you run properly you will get a increased desire to do it more often. The hardest part about running is that it is hard, so make it easy by choosing the best fit for you. If you would like to read more…
  • I have heard that morning runs are the best because your metabolism is at a peak with unstored sugars from the day. I am not a morning person but running in the morning is not only the best for your body but also helps with the rest of your day. Here is a blog post I did about starting to run in the morning at…
  • Very interesting! I live in a city that is extremely fit and full of outdoor activities. Always have wondered how they take these surveys. Thanks for posting this.
  • I got the new five toe vibram shoes and it forces you to run completely opposite than how what I am used to. My blog about the best running shoes is fun to read and I did get foot soreness but I read to be patient for a breaking in period. A treadmill is the…
  • I am excited to take on this challenge and have began with 5 miles the other day. I need to find more time to walk but it is so cold in the morning. I am looking into purchasing a treadmill and have found a site here but I don't know if this is a good way to find one. Does anyone have any…
  • Yoga is relaxing and meditation which is opposite of zumba that is energetic and pumps you up. Depends on what relaxes you, moving around with hiper music or slow moves and meditation music.
  • Anything that is whole wheat will give you that extra protein you may lack. Stock up on the vegetable that is on sale. If you have over purchased, cut them up and place in a tuberware container to preserve. This will make it that much easier when you are needing a healthy snack.
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