

  • I recently started drinking Ginger Tea because someone recommended it. I was completely skeptical mainly because I don't like to try new foods. I drink of cup of hot ginger tea (decaf) with a little honey whenever I start to feel a migraine coming on and it has helped! I also get really nauseous when I get migraines so it…
  • I found this table online from the National Headache Foundation and it seems consistent with other reports I've read and things I've heard from doctors. Basically, its staying away from foods that have been aged or fermented such as types of cheeses, things pickled or smoked, types of alcohol and MSG. Check out the table,…
  • Runner's World has had some great articles on sports bras about everything from finding the perfect fit, care, and reviews from runners. Check out some of their articles.,7889,s6-369-470-0-0,00.html Hope this helps!
  • I say have some fun and have an ice cream sundae supper! baked mac and cheese can always keep til tomorrow and you should celebrate your son's accomplishment!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I am allergic to any flour besides whole wheat, any artificial sweeteners, artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, corn meal, white rice, and maple just to name a few. The worst part is that you know what other foods taste like so be prepared to miss foods! I try to avoid restaurants and…
  • Your not overreacting at all! Aspartame and splenda have been linked to causing other health issues and a lot of people are actually allergic them. While Stevia does come from a plant, be careful of what you buy and read every label because sometimes they do extra processing. Even refined sugar goes through multiple…
  • This is going to sound funny, but Pedialyte is great to drink when your sick! It has a lot of the same things as Gatorade but less sugar which may be easier on your stomach. You can even buy their freezer pops and have them for a light snack!
  • hi! I'm pretty much doing the same trying to eat well-rounded meals and hitting the calorie mark daily! good luck!