

  • Best of luck on your journey!!! Feel free to add me if you would like!! :-)
    in Hi! Comment by karlawithak November 2011
  • Hello, I just joined this month...I am looking for friends as well....feel free to add me!!!! Best of luck on your journey!!!!!
  • I used to belong to a weight loss group and they have a motto "IF you bite it, write it!!!" I used to think I can keep track in my head but it is so much easier to log....and using the mobile app is awesome, I really like being able to scan foods when you eat something with a bar code on it....of course it is still new to…
  • Thanks for your help!!! Glad I have not been at this to long!! I was doing it wrong.....Thanks!!!!! Now I will feel better about it!!! I have been on weight watchers in the past, so all I know is counting points...this is the 1st time I am trying the calorie thing....I wanted/needed to try something different so I will see…