confused.....PLEASE HELP!!!!!

I am confused about counting calories...can someone please help???

According to MFP in order to lose 1-2 pounds a week, it tells me I should be eating 1200 calories a day...I also exercise 3-4 times a week and burn about 1000 calories when I do....I want to be healthly, but I feel like I am not doing this right.....

Does this sound correct to others or do I need to eat more calories???? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!

Karla (with a k)


  • felicity866
    sounds just right to me.....weight loss can only take place when the calories in is less that the calories out.....
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Not really sure what you are confused about, but the idea is that MFP has calculated that in order to maintain a calorie deficit and lose weight, you should eat 1200 calories a day.

    If you exercise and burn 1000 calories, you should eat the 1000 calories back to total 2200 calories altogether, to keep your deficit. Try for a few weeks and see how it goes! :)
  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Remember, if you burn 1000 calories in one go it means you have all those calories to eat also.
  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    As long as your net calories are over 1,200 you will be fine. Meaning if you have to eat back your exercise calorie then do so. I think of my exercise calories as "bonus calories" so that I can eat more because just working on a 1,200cal diet was too strict for me. So I exercise and burn off 500 about 3-4days a week so on most days I get to eat 1,700 (but my net is 1,200 because the exercise creates a 500cal deficit instead of having it from diet) which is more satisfying for me. And I have managed to lose 30lbs so far. All the best!
    Another thing I noticed with MFP is when you enter in how often you intend to exercise when setting your goals, it doesn't factor that into your goal setting/recommended caloric intake. So the 1,200cal/day recommendation it gave you is not considering what you will be burning of 1,000 calories. As the first responder said, you have to eat 2200 calories on the days you burn off 1,000.
    So basically what you burn off during exercise, eat back all of it or at least most of it to remain healthy.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    Hi Karla
    I started eating healthy foods AND losing weight end of September and joined MFP in October.
    Yes, I was confused too and always thought 1200 cal is way to much. And I exercised every day- only resistance training- without eating the calories back I burnt through exercise. I was always below 1000 cals/day and suddenly plateaued.
    After reading many MFP posts I reconsidered and ate my 1200 PLUS eating back calories burnt.
    I've watched carefully and noticed that I all of a sudden lost too quickly. I have now adjusted my calories to 1300/day plus eating back calories burnt. I am loosing 2 pounds/week now and am happy with it.
    Have to mention I am in menopause and thought it would be too tough to lose weight at all.
    Try 1200 plus eating back calories if you exercise and see what happens. You can always adjust the cals , but make sure you eat the right foods. I eat a lot of seasonal veggies and fruit and as supplement I take Spirulina ( I need amino acids and need to lower cholesterol quickly)
    Just experiment and see what is good for you.
    Good luck :-)
  • karlawithak
    Thanks for your help!!! Glad I have not been at this to long!! I was doing it wrong.....Thanks!!!!! Now I will feel better about it!!!

    I have been on weight watchers in the past, so all I know is counting points...this is the 1st time I am trying the calorie thing....I wanted/needed to try something different so I will see how this goes!!!!
  • Rain_Howard
    Consult a nutritionist with an actual degree or ask your doctor. I'm sure you could easily find one willing to answer your questions.
  • rissanddan
    Hi Karla, jet sent you a message for friend request as we are in the same boat! Was so confused. Friend me if you want :)