smitchum Member


  • This is a great message for young people out there fighting to be "perfect", this needs to be a message for the WORLD!!!
  • lmao..... my favorite reply
  • you look amazing, you look fit... you have a great but!!! great job and congratulations!!!
  • I agree, when marathon training and eating CLEAN, it IS difficult to get in those calories. When I am actively training at my peak (buring 1800+ cals) i always just go by feel. I may be in a deficit by the end of the day. But as long as I am not hungry and I gave my body real food and drank TONS of water then I do not feel…
  • Great Job! I know exactly how you feel! I did yard work in my sports bra and running skirt a couple of days ago and this is something i would NEVER do!!!! it gelt awsome. Not at the point where I'll go running in it, but soon.... cutting back on my fat grams so these abs can come through someday :D
  • Looking for runner friends to motivate and be motivated by :D friend me!
  • oh patsy, your post made me CRY! thank you, you are right!!!! it's funny that i don't consider myself an athlete, even with all the running all these years. it's all mind over matter, you made my day, thank you.... I do know what whole eating is and absolutely agree with you 100%, I can do this!!!!
  • THANK YOU Brian! it's good to know that there is a reason behind the over eating and I just need to fight those urges... thank you for the compliments :)
  • I ran my first marathon on a broken big toe, my dog broke it 2 weeks before my marathon, it was numb after mole 6... haha, anyway, my point is, keep your chin up... in 2010 i had to stop training for a marathon after making it to 19 miles because of an injury and have ran 2 since.....
  • even after i finished my marathon i would not call myself a long distance runner, i look back and think how silly that was... i think it is when YOU decide :)
  • That's why I love race morning, all the happy runners buzzing about :) Good job!
  • I'm Stacey, I am a marathon runner :D just like ya'll! I ran Galveston Marathon last year and it was my worst one yet. I was under trained, gained weight, and was not prepared for the ice cold rain and wind. I had hypothermia and if not for my hubby at mile 22 with a warm car and clothes I would not have finished! It was…