tamingdawn Member


  • Welcome and good luck!! :)
  • Welcome and good luck! :)
  • Sure! I will send you a friend request.
  • Hi Cassie! I know the feeling. I'm a 37 year old who has never watched what she's eaten. I ballooned in weight and have recently decided that enough was enough! So I joined this site when I was looking for a food diary. Initially I was just going to catalog my caloric intake and do it alone. Then I found MFP. This place is…
  • Hi Roni! This is a great place and the app is amazing. I LOVe that we can scan the bar codes on some things. It's great. We will work together to do this my friend. Nancy
  • Kara, Absolutely! You can never have too many friends, ever. Good luck! Nancy oh yes, and I did send you an add request. :)
  • Hello Whitney, I'm really not sure about how to lower carbs. The only thing that I can think is read labels. Just started this myself so here we go, together! :) Nancy
  • LOL It's okay Roni, I sent you one. :) If you look in the upper part where your user name is you will see it there. Nancy
  • Roni, I (LOVE) the app! It's marvelous!! You can scan the bar codes on your food instead of having to try to find it -- MARVELOUS!! :)
  • Thank you JMac! Great job on 37 pounds lost to date!! :)
  • KM, Thanks for that. I'm sure its as with every place how many snarky people there are but so far I've found great people and hope to continue :) I've just sent you a friend request as well. Thanks for saying hello and here is hoping we will have a great success! Nancy
  • Adrianne, thank you! I need someone who will be tough on me! I need someone who will help me remember the gials that I've set for myself, even on my bad days! I will accept your friend request now, thanks so very much! Nancy
  • Hello Bloss, One thing that I keep finding when I look at diets are the more organic foods, veggies and fruits, you eat the better. I'm brand new at this whole weight watching thing but I know that if my food is in odd shapes, like a sandwich, cut with a cookie cutter to remove edges and part of the size, seems to fill me…