stefanieswanger Member


  • My Update for the Week January 8-15, 2012 Swim- 5300 Yards (3.01 Miles) Bike- 49.56 Run- 9.85 Just over 11 hours of training this week. Total Thus Far Swim- 10,000 Yards (5.68 Miles) Bike- 93.81 miles Run- 19.22 Additional Workout Totals for the Month 13.8 miles Elliptical 2:35 of Strength Training 21:13 training time for…
  • Jan 2 -7, 2012 Swim- 4700 Yards (2.67 Miles) Bike- 44.25 miles Run- 9.37 I also had 8 miles on the elliptical this week and two sessions of strength training. As of right not I am only going to count actual Run miles and not my elliptical miles but we shall see as things go along. I am guessing next month I might need to…
  • I have completed two Half Ironman (Augusta 2010 and 2011) and am slated to do two this year as well. My eventual goal is to complete an Ironman which earliest would be IMFL 2013. (It is full for 2012 and I would like to volunteer in 12 to get a spot for 13.) If not then I guess maybe 2014 or I might shoot for a different…
  • Hello Lauren, I would suggest any type of "liquid" protein within 30 minutes after your workout. This could be milk, yogurt, whey protein, etc. So if money is a problem, why not go for milk. It has less protein then you will find in a whey protein but it is a great start. I use it for some of my lighter workouts. As far as…
  • Find a Training Buddy! If you can find someone to go to the pool with you, it definitely helps. It is always nice knowing that on the days that you really don't want to be there, someone else is by your side doing the same workout. Similarly, you can motivate them when they are having a bad day.
  • I am jumping on this month. I thought about jumping on mid month in December but found it too tough to go back and decipher my notes to figure out my distances in each sport. I am guessing that I will exceed each goal of the 140.6 but I want to take this first month to see how I di before I abridge my goals! Good luck to…
  • I currently have a coach and for the past two years she has had me strength training twice a week through both the on and off season. Obviously the intensity and weight varies according to my goals and race season. I can't speak enough to the importance in strength training in a triathletes training routine. It has helped…
  • There has been some great solid advice given! I will offer my point of view from personal experience which may or may not help you. I was similar to you several years ago. The bike was my weakest link and I was only interested in Tri's. However, when choosing a bike, I went for a road bike. For me, it was more important to…
  • I love the idea of this challenge. I would like to jump in if you all don't mind. I log all of my swim/bike/run activities at home so i will add my data later tonight. I am a triathlete so I imagine I might need to abbreviate my goals next month but for now I will keep it at the standard 140.6 distance. Great Idea!