benjit_t Member


  • A woman can be taller, smarter, and make more money than her man; but not all three! She can, just as long as she doesn't have a bigger penis, too.
  • You say men should be 'manly'. If you believe that, why don't you also think women should be 'womanly'. i.e. not getting ripped and lifting weights. Personally I think everyone is different. I think we get in trouble when we try to apply old fashioned nonsense to modern relationships. The world is much different. People…
  • @ncthomas09. You had the choice whether to take the job or not BEFORE you had the shots. The OP has already got the job and is now being required to violate her person in order to keep the job. It's out and out illegal.
  • This is illegal. Consult a lawyer. They can't require you to take a medicine. It's a violation of your human rights. What do you know about this vaccine ? Is it safe ? What if they buy it very cheaply ? What if it's a bad batch ? It's your body. They have no right to dictate what you put in it. I repeat - consult a lawyer.
  • If you can get Applegate farms bacon, the pigs aren't kept in tiny cages. Sure they get killed in the end but they have a nice piggy life. It's also nicer tasting bacon than Hatfield etc.
  • Fair enough. These calorie measurements are not an exact science and MFP is only estimating your caloric requirements. Bear that 500 calorie per day deficit in mind. If it's just added 200 calories to your deficit it can only slow your progress. There are all kinds of crazy variables like the temperature of your office or…
  • I'm going to say that adding calories is unlikely to help you lose weight. Are you honestly logging all your calories ? I know I don't. That means that I never lose quite as much as I should. It would only take a couple hundred a day to completely stall my progress. I'm an engineer by trade, so I like numbers. There's…
  • I can recommend the book : Run Less, Run Faster. It has some great programmes in it for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced runners for all the major distances including 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon and marathon. My advice to you would be run in a 5K so you can get the feel of a race and get used to things like getting your gear…
  • You can get reasonably accurate readings by using calipers or a Tanita body fat scale. Why do you need such an accurate measure of your body fat anyway ? If you are concerned you aren't eating enough and are losing lean mass then a Tanita scale would be a better investment than a series of Dexascans. Plus, it's unlikely…
  • I second that. How much fruit would you need to eat to blow your diet ? There's few options better than eating lots of fruit and vegetables for your general health as well as satiety. Your trainer thinks that just because foods that are high in sugar are a bad choice for dieting, therefore ALL foods with sugar are bad for…
  • I feel that it's a bit like an alcoholic rewarding themselves with a drink, or a smoker rewarding themselves for a week of not smoking with a cigarette. It defeats the purpose and reinforces the bad behavior that you are trying to stop. Ideally you would reward yourself with something that is not food. Having said that, I…
  • I guess the important thing to consider here is your motivation. Are you deciding to do this for moral or health reasons ? There are many moral reasons to consider reducing your meat intake, not just because you think animals are 'cute'. The 'cuteness' of animals is a particularly weak and hypocritical argument for not…