training for a marathon/ race

I am now currently 87kg, I want to start running in order to lose weight and keep fit. In our town there are a couple of 5km - 10km run /walks. I havent really been active but in iv been trying to squeeze in 30 minues of aerobics every 3 days a week. Do i need to do some special training in order to start running these races? My 1st one is in 10 days and i decided to start C25K to prepare for it. I am thinking of shooting for 10km walk, then 4 days after that one i registered for a 4km run.

am i being too ambitious, should i train for a little while before i do the 10km walk? and if i should, how should i train? and how long?


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Before you run a race, you really should be doing some running. If you plan to walk them, that is a different story.

    Running fitness is not the same as overall general, aerobic fitness. Before running a 5K, you really should be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping, which is what the full course of C25K will train you to do.

    ETA: And as any FYI, a marathon refers specifically to a race of 26 miles, 385 yards and does not apply to any races of shorter distances.
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you Carson, I will start with the c25k programme asap
  • arl29
    arl29 Posts: 55 Member
    I just signed up for a 5k and it is on Sept. 30th. I have done 2 days of training so far. My workouts up until now have just been walking, the elliptical and jogging inside on a treadmill. The first day was a 20 minute jog/walk outside and I was able to complete the entire 20 minutes without walking. Yesterday was a 30 minute jog/walk outside and I walked most of it. :( I am hoping that I can get in shape over the next month so I can complete the 5k without walking. Wish me luck!
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    i guess days are different.
  • benjit_t
    benjit_t Posts: 12 Member
    I can recommend the book : Run Less, Run Faster. It has some great programmes in it for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced runners for all the major distances including 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon and marathon. My advice to you would be run in a 5K so you can get the feel of a race and get used to things like getting your gear ready and pinning on your number and dealing with the adrenaline rush. The programmes are all about 13 weeks long. If the programme Week 1 starts with 12 miles of running in total, just make sure you can run that far over a week. Your goal should be finishing initially. Next time focus on a time. There is no law against walking a bit. In fact it's been shown that in marathons many people can improve their time by walking 10 secs every mile !
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks Benjit. I was starting to feel sad that i wont run the 4k that i registered for at work. I am starting to incorporate running into my workouts from today. I love running, i was a commited jogger a few months ago before my operation and then stopped, been feeling lazy to start again but im all for it again. But i have never ran a race before